
Is it too late for Biden to retire?

Over this side of the pond we see Blinken appearing to try to do a decent job and he's always in the news. He gets nowhere with Netanyahu but then nobody else does either.

I don't see why the Democrats overlook Blinken in the USA - do they know something we don't? Or is it that he simply isn't a gazillionnaire?
“Person, woman, man, camera, TV”

I think politicians, in the main, are pretty monstrous. Wasn’t always thus, but the trend has been inexorably monsterward for decades. The system is rigged so sociopaths and psychopaths flourish and their behaviour is rewarded. I fear that the only way society rids itself of the scourge is through bloodshed.
Blinken is complicit in the genocide in Gaza. He is a monster.
Blinken is doing the bidding of Biden, which makes Biden, a self-confessed Zionist (although not Jewish), a monster. He doesn't get a free pass because of Trump, as far as I'm concerned. The US administration is a political and deadly zombie station occupied and influenced by misanthropic ghouls, irrespective of whether Biden's or Trump's arses occupy the hot seat at the White House. PM Sunk and The Scum/Labour axis are also party to the Israeli pogrom of genocide, sanctioned as it is by 'The West'. Which means. . .

. . . There are a number or Arab States sitting on their hands right now, but I have no doubt there will be an equally deadly reckoning for 'The West' when they deem the time has come. Actions have consequences.

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Blinken is complicit in the genocide in Gaza. He is a monster.

I see your point of course and I sympathise with it. A Jewish president is unlikely to go against Israel. But balance that against Trump who is equally pro-Jewish and of the two of them I'd take Blinken any day. Just being realistic.

But as others have said the whole system in the US is pro Jewish so the president is virtually a puppet. Obama hated Netanyahu but he had to follow the proscribed line. And what other electable Democratic candidate is there? Dean Phillips is standing but who he?
I see your point of course and I sympathise with it. A Jewish president is unlikely to go against Israel. But balance that against Trump who is equally pro-Jewish and of the two of them I'd take Blinken any day. Just being realistic.

But as others have said the whole system in the US is pro Jewish so the president is virtually a puppet. Obama hated Netanyahu but he had to follow the proscribed line. And what other electable Democratic candidate is there? Dean Phillips is standing but who he?
Pro-Israel, not pro-Jewish, please:

Many thousands of Jews have spoken out against Israel's genocide in Gaza.

They are heroes.

As for the US election, Biden's active support of genocide (with an occasional sad-face) destroys the "lesser of two evils" argument, for me. Biden is evil, Trump is evil. I would vote for neither, if I were a US citizen.
I'd take the forgetful man who has good intentions and who knows what's right, over the crooked real estate merchant / reality TV host with 91 pending indictments, 2 impeachments, and a host of civil cases settled and pending against him.
Over this side of the pond we see Blinken appearing to try to do a decent job and he's always in the news. He gets nowhere with Netanyahu but then nobody else does either.

I don't see why the Democrats overlook Blinken in the USA - do they know something we don't? Or is it that he simply isn't a gazillionnaire?

In the public eye, there's no history, four years ago he was an unknown faceless bureaucrat.
Majority Report last night was pretty good on the terrible mess Biden is making over Israel. Indeed the best hope for a shift in US policy is possibly that Biden gets forced into something by his increasingly precarious re-election prospects.

He had no business saying that when Biden would be far from alone in not recalling every detail in huge range of stuff they discussed. Something you didn’t mention - you meant Republican Special Counsel Robert Hurr. So knock me down, he found a way to get a political attack in where there as no evidence. Unlike the masses of evidence of illegal retention after multiple requests for return were made in Trump’s case.

Biden dealt with retained documents he found he should not have had, with the stunningly underhand tactic of err, contacting the authorities and handing them back.

Trump is not in hot water for merely retaining documents he shouldn’t have had. He’s in a world of trouble because he frustrated all efforts to locate and return them, including denying, lying, hiding, changing locks, destroying CCTV footage and God knows what over a long period.

There is no equivalence here. A snarky, partisan SC making a cheap shot to garner Trump’s affection should have you thinking more critically. Also, contrast what each man would have been doing with those documents.
Hur is not just a Republican donor but was appointed US Attorney for Maryland by...Trump.

The US legal system is rotten.
I'd take the forgetful man who has good intentions and who knows what's right, over the crooked real estate merchant / reality TV host with 91 pending indictments, 2 impeachments, and a host of civil cases settled and pending against him.
So would I, but would 50.1% of Americans turning up to vote for their next president?
So would I, but would 50.1% of Americans turning up to vote for their next president?
Well this is the point of this thread, isn't it? Not who we would like to have come over for dinner or play chess with on a desert island. Nor who would run America's foreign policy to fit in with our personal convictions. It is about what the best strategy is for the next administration to be Democratic rather than Republican.
With this goal in mind I wonder if Blinken might not be a good choice. Although maybe he is too technical and serious and lacks "folksy" charm?
I find it strange that a country with a population over 300 million will elect one of two geriatrics for the most powerful job in the world. It just confirms my belief that once you hit 65, you should start spending your life pruning roses or waffling away on social media. The world is for the young, let them decide how it goes.
Personally I think you're setting the bar a little low*, but generally I agree with the sentiment.

*I'd go with 70 but with all presidential candidates having to take a "means test" before being able to stand. :)
Personally I think you're setting the bar a little low*, but generally I agree with the sentiment.

*I'd go with 70 but with all presidential candidates having to take a "means test" before being able to stand. :)
Do The Times crossword in less than 4 hours, run 100 yards and then make a speech, 20 press-ups, play chess against the computer and survive for at least 5 moves.
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