
Infected Cummings travelled around England with disease. Fire him now.

The Brexit Elites must be free to move around the country in a manner reflecting their status- Cummings, Tice, Oakshott and Farage. Nigel has taken on the onerous task of guarding the Channel ports.
His parents might be about to get right kicking for non declaration, or payment of, council tax.
Even if they owe arrears of council tax, so what? If Cummings can travel the length of England with his wife, on the occasion of her birthday, during a time of severe restrictions on movement and get away with it who gives flip about council tax?
Get over it

+1 This was done weeks ago, it's wrong, but nothing is going to happen and the pfm clique going round and round in circles isn't going to change that! The momentum of the George Floyd inspired protests and the message behind them is a far more important and worthy cause right now than worrying about something relatively trivial (when personal bias is removed) that is done and dusted.
The momentum of the George Floyd inspired protests and the message behind them is a far more important and worthy cause right now than worrying about something relatively trivial (when personal bias is removed) that is done and dusted.

I obviously agree the Black Lives Matter movement is exponentially more important than any predictably crooked behaviour and self-interest from the UK Conservative Party, but it still needs to be recognised that Cummings was the straw that broke lockdown messaging. That comes with a cost measured in bodybags. Probably tens of thousands of them.
+1 This was done weeks ago, it's wrong, but nothing is going to happen and the pfm clique going round and round in circles isn't going to change that! The momentum of the George Floyd inspired protests and the message behind them is a far more important and worthy cause right now than worrying about something relatively trivial (when personal bias is removed) that is done and dusted.
The act may have been relatively trivial, though I’d argue that’s not the case for reasons Tony gives, but the implications are very much aligned with the BLM cause - the rules change depending on who you are. This fundamental injustice needs addressing, and soon.
but it still needs to be recognised that Cummings was the straw that broke lockdown messaging. That comes with a cost measured in bodybags. Probably tens of thousands of them.

Sorry, but I disagree. While his antics will certainly not have helped, the bungling Sunday night message by Boris when he told people to go back to work in the morning and announced new lockdown rules that took what had been a simple stay at home message to the uncertain stay alert nonsense had a far greater effect on the body count, but even this pales into insignificance compared to not locking down early enough and that too is Boris's doing. The trouble is that people's hatred of Cummings is distorting their view of reality... I can't stand him either, but am not going to suggest for a minute that his Durham antics are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, what he has done elsewhere and before that is probably far more suited to that particular accusation if you want to look at where blame does rest on his shoulders.
The act may have been relatively trivial, though I’d argue that’s not the case for reasons Tony gives, but the implications are very much aligned with the BLM cause - the rules change depending on who you are. This fundamental injustice needs addressing, and soon.

Unfortunately as Orwell taught us so well human nature is not inclined towards equality. I just think we'd be better focusing our efforts on a far more serious case of inequality than that of Cummings i.e. the plight of black people in today's society. This thread is 86 pages long and really is just the same people going round the same arguments and getting outraged over and over about the same thing... time to channel energy elsewhere is all I am saying!

