
Infected Cummings travelled around England with disease. Fire him now.

So they're, like, together but not married?

That's truly appalling. Fire them.
It’s just a little inconvenient for them- they are married but to two other people and they had to travel to the Isle of Wight to join local Tory MP at a Covid- spreading lockdown party. The added beauty of it is their sore arms from pointing at ‘the elites’ on a daily basis.

they actually trolled the public with their remarks about staying alert and getting their eyes tested. It’s a marvellous Fukc You from one of Britain’s most contemptuous elites.
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You referred to "hard remainer elites" Brian and speculated that they would behave no better than these Brexiteer frauds. I was merely pointing put that I thought they were supposed to operate to better standards than those awful Remainers. It seems they are even worse.

The post I was replying to mentioned brexiteers. I make no distinction between anti-democratic, hard-remainers and despicable, disgusting, stinking brexiteers in relation to the behaviour of these 2 individuals. If you want to find out what "disgusting brexiteer" has to do specifically with what they did, you might ask Hugh, or maybe one or two of his acolytes who have posted since.

I'm off for a cuppa.
It was only a matter of time before those pointing the crowd to “the Elites” would themselves be found out. We have Farage openly supporting Trump right now while breaking lockdown in the pretence of being a journalist in order to point to a couple of half drowned Africans being brought ashore at Dover. He’s no more a journalist than Tommy Robinson and he’ll be taking his cue next from Farage, Tice, Oakshott and Cummings (guess what they all have in common apart from violating public health measures ) to do the same.
I quite liked the unrepentant tone of the statement, it is a Tory behaving to type, apparently it is what the electorate demand. All through the election campaign & in their subsequent behaviour they have acted like what they are. Unfortunately enough people buy this bullshit, I still cannot comprehend how someone like Farage even exists.

The public gets what the public wants, as said by someone else.
It was only a matter of time before those pointing the crowd to “the Elites” would themselves be found out. We have Farage openly supporting Trump right now while breaking lockdown in the pretence of being a journalist in order to point to a couple of half drowned Africans being brought ashore at Dover. He’s no more a journalist than Tommy Robinson and he’ll be taking his cue next from Farage, Tice, Oakshott and Cummings (guess what they all have in common apart from violating public health measures ) to do the same.
Arrogant, entitled twits?
I have Blair in perspective ET, nothing will change my anger at his disasterous support for Bush and the wasted opportunities elsewhere. Still domestically preferable to Johnson on many levels. Christ, Johnson is even making May and Brown look better.

I don't, however, accept that Tice, Oakshott, Farage, Redwood, Jenkin, Bridgen, Francois, Hannan, Mogg, Gove and co are in any way comparable to Blair. They would certainly wouldn't have any trouble selling us to Trump never mind Bush. As for the general point, were you against Blair's support for Bush? Because I have trouble believeing that is any more than convenient revisionism if the actions of those you politically support is anything to go by. The Brexit inclined Tories were trying to out gung ho Blair at the time.

Bit like the Tories forgetting that they were promising to match or upscale Labour spending in 2008. Our memories can play tricks.

I suppose the Blair era seems rather benign compared with the now. His was the first really corporocratic government, and he sowed many of the seeds of what took place in 2016. Brown was the worst PM and Chancellor, and the best. His feud with Blair saved us from going into the Euro. Cameron was Blair's natural successor, he wore this air of self-assured, slightly stroppy indolence, talked a lot of policy quite well, and assumed that was sufficient. I've met him socially, and he still wears it, though there's an unnerved edge. He smokes quite heavily. May was corporocrat #3, the less said, the better.

I'm sorry that you believe that anybody who supported brexit had by definition of some kind to have supported Blair's ill-judged adventures in the Gulf, though I think it says more about you than it does me. Accusations of revisionism were I to utterly deny support for it smacks of concrete set hard between the ears, so there's probably little point in me trying. It's irrelevant to the thread, anyway.
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I'm sorry that you believe that anybody who supported brexit had by definition of some kind to have supported Blair's ill-judged adventures in the Gulf, though I think it says more about you than it does me.

I don't have to "believe" as these things are a matter of record. In fact, a more taxing question would be to spot any Brexiteers that were not voting for the war.

If you're saying you personally were with the LDs and some of Labour on the matter, I'm impressed. I can only wonder what's gone wrong with you since - as you now support a Tory party that is even worse than back then.
“The Tory MP spearheading efforts to promote the Covid-19 contact-tracing app trial on the Isle of Wight appears to have broken lockdown rules at a barbecue also attended by the chairman of the Brexit party and political journalists, the Guardian has learned.
Bob Seely went to the evening gathering hosted by the Spectator magazine’s deputy editor, Freddy Gray, in the village of Seaview on the island last month. Richard Tice, the Brexit party chairman, and his partner, the political journalist Isabel Oakeshott, were also there”.

...what’s the betting Bob didn’t have his Covid app on his phone while he was at the lockdown party on the Isle of Wight? Bob’s the MP for the place FFS. At least Tice and his mistress were only there to have a free burger and to cop off.
“The Tory MP spearheading efforts to promote the Covid-19 contact-tracing app trial on the Isle of Wight appears to have broken lockdown rules at a barbecue also attended by the chairman of the Brexit party and political journalists, the Guardian has learned.
Bob Seely went to the evening gathering hosted by the Spectator magazine’s deputy editor, Freddy Gray, in the village of Seaview on the island last month. Richard Tice, the Brexit party chairman, and his partner, the political journalist Isabel Oakeshott, were also there”.

...what’s the betting Bob didn’t have his Covid app on his phone while he was at the lockdown party on the Isle of Wight? Bob’s the MP for the place FFS. At least Tice and his mistress were only there to have a free burger and to cop off.

Tice and Oakeshott are married, but not to each other.... #awkward
Tice and Oakeshott are married, but not to each other.... #awkward
They certainly weren’t on the Isle of Wight to test the new app. They were there for a bit of Lockdown- Trousers Down. Lockdown was only ever for the little people.
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