
"I'm not a wishy-washy Tory..."

I actually want Tories to be divided and vote ukip, not enough they get power or seats but enough to erode their ability to do dodgy deals that get them in by the back door. AFAIC this gubbiment has no mandate and no real support of any majority.

We really are in a political mess. LibDems sidelined pointless and a joke, Tories their usual ghastly hee-hawing selves, and actually a lot of the more onerous Tory ideas were initiated by the past gubbiment. NuLab contrite but I'm unconvinced they won't revert to totalitarian uber surveillance ID card nut jobbery.

I reckon its either vote for yogic flyers or call for the monarchy to regain control, and hope and pray for a senile queen, a mad son... A return to Enclosures and the workhouse for the subjects a modern day George III carving up the country for his mates. It cannot be much worse...

Sod it, let Brussels take over the whole mess... It's broke beyond repair.

Might even get a nicer logo than the Poundland design What knuckle dragger designed that?
All very well Fox. I can't help thinking that the Ukip "types" would not be impressed with your overt clopping. :)
What I would like to see would be a ukip tory alliance in control of surrey or some vast wasteland of biggots in the vacant south. Just let them get on saving the world and the rest of us can move forward to a world full of friends.
Maybe he's cleverer than you give him credit for.

On the subject of women "I just don't think they clean behind the fridge enough". Or capital punishment "It's a personal thing, but I'd hang the bastards myself". And economics "Most highly paid people would pay 25 per cent income tax because it is not worth the trouble of trying to avoid it so it would raise revenue".
I love it when the mountain men break cover. Britain for them is still Alf Garnet and no women allowed in pubs.
Maybe he's cleverer than you give him credit for.

On the subject of women "I just don't think they clean behind the fridge enough". Or capital punishment "It's a personal thing, but I'd hang the bastards myself". And economics "Most highly paid people would pay 25 per cent income tax because it is not worth the trouble of trying to avoid it so it would raise revenue".

Quite right, trouble is that he may well be cleverer than the average voter who at least can be bothered to vote and rather clever than those who do not bother to vote.
Quite right, trouble is that he may well be cleverer than the average voter who at least can be bothered to vote and rather clever than those who do not bother to vote.

Given that he's on £100k a year plus expenses; and he's a one man walking argument to turn out and vote to get rid of MEP's, you have a point.
Brilliant. An honest politician who refuses to be silenced by the hand-wringing tossers at the BBC and Grauniad. "If people agree with me then they can vote for me".

No one has yet explained why the Indian and Pakistani Govts should be getting aid when they can afford nuclear weapons programmes.
It's a form of bribery to persuade India/Pakistan to buy whichever new weapons the UK are currently pimping out.

I thought you would know that.
Brilliant. An honest politician who refuses to be silenced by the hand-wringing tossers at the BBC and Grauniad. "If people agree with me then they can vote for me".

No one has yet explained why the Indian and Pakistani Govts should be getting aid when they can afford nuclear weapons programmes.

I don't agree with him on most of the views he expressed this morning.

But I admire the way he came on the Today programme & didn't do politicianny things & shoved a finger up to the BBC/Guardian left elite.He was totally unrepentant & urged people who did not share his views not to support him.


Of course, he's a bloody dinosaur and will share their fate.

The more finger shoving he does, the more he seals his own fate which is ultimately to fade away and be remembered as 'that bongo bongo guy'.

BTW, it's difficult to see how someone such as Bloom is anything but a member of 'the elite'.
I actually want Tories to be divided and vote ukip, not enough they get power or seats but enough to erode their ability to do dodgy deals that get them in by the back door. AFAIC this gubbiment has no mandate and no real support of any majority.

It's pretty much lost for the next election anyway.
Just before campaigning begins, Boris will appear in a well timed denial that he is interested in the leadership whilst his background army mount a full-frontal assault on bringing down Cameron, and suddenly Boris will 'reluctantly' be elected to lead the Tories to a resounding victory in the election.

The Tory faithful know Cameron is finished and that Boris is their trump-card. It's as good as in the bag.
Unless Boris is somehow shamed by some scandal, history is already written.
Brilliant. An honest politician who refuses to be silenced by the hand-wringing tossers at the BBC and Grauniad. "If people agree with me then they can vote for me".

No one has yet explained why the Indian and Pakistani Govts should be getting aid when they can afford nuclear weapons programmes.

If by honest you mean racist, then yes. The point of the article was a community leader thinks deeply offensive remarks are acceptable in public.
If by honest you mean racist, then yes. The point of the article was a community leader thinks deeply offensive remarks are acceptable in public.

Amongst vast swathes of the public they are perfectly acceptable, I am afraid. And yes, he is honestly racist. No law against that.

Amongst vast swathes of the public they are perfectly acceptable, I am afraid. And yes, he is honestly racist. No law against that.

May well be true but will this vast swathe of the public be motivated enough to vote and change things?

