
IF one ONLY has a PC

Peter from Sleaford

Well-Known Member
I am a tad disabled, so for ease of use I ripped all my 800+ CD's and store them on a 2 tb SSD (Intel i5, win 10) it runs Audirvana, and is working fine Anyway am ordering a new win 11 in the next week or so, so what are the must haves. I have said to my PC guy it must have 2 SSD's, 1 for music files only2//4 TB, and the other has to have everything else (windows, document's, pictures, etc
I am a tad disabled, so for ease of use I ripped all my 800+ CD's and store them on a 2 tb SSD (Intel i5, win 10) it runs Audirvana, and is working fine Anyway am ordering a new win 11 in the next week or so, so what are the must haves. I have said to my PC guy it must have 2 SSD's, 1 for music files only2//4 TB, and the other has to have everything else (windows, document's, pictures, etc
Hi Peter, have ye seen this.. Ah believe that MS are changing parts of voice control in a coupla months time but won't affect anyone who already has it installed....:cool:
Thanks for the link, BUT my speech is crap now, the result of 3 TIA's, I don't even have a phone now, and my partner does most of the talking for me😁
just want to say... I have a Synology NAS and portable 2 tb backup. It all goes thru a Matrix Audio SPDIF so I can take the i2S signal (better than USB imho) to my PS Audio SGCD, then via TQ Black II cables to the Amphion 7LS speakers, so a reasonable system (Mono amps and twin Rels)
I have said to my PC guy it must have 2 SSD's, 1 for music files only2//4 TB, and the other has to have everything else (windows, document's, pictures, etc
I would consider having a drive dedicated to windows alone, keeping your data on a separate drive. This can save all sorts of headaches down the road if you ever need to reinstall windows. Be sure the music drive has bitlocker disabled.
FWIW I use *external* SSDs via USB so they can be moved from place to place and I don't need to copy bucketloads of files if I want to change machine. There are (ahem) "No WhineDoze in our house". :) I use Linux and RISC OS. But I assume using external SSDs is fine for 'doze. Older data is still around on USB connectable spinning rust, but all the audio is on SSDs in external USB boxes.
I would consider having a drive dedicated to windows alone, keeping your data on a separate drive. This can save all sorts of headaches down the road if you ever need to reinstall windows. Be sure the music drive has bitlocker disabled.
This was my must haves, as was told a while ago to keep all the windows things on a separate drive
just want to say... I have a Synology NAS and portable 2 tb backup. It all goes thru a Matrix Audio SPDIF so I can take the i2S signal (better than USB imho) to my PS Audio SGCD, then via TQ Black II cables to the Amphion 7LS speakers, so a reasonable system (Mono amps and twin Rels)
Nice system Peter. I'm a big Amphion fan.
I am a tad disabled, so for ease of use I ripped all my 800+ CD's and store them on a 2 tb SSD (Intel i5, win 10) it runs Audirvana, and is working fine Anyway am ordering a new win 11 in the next week or so, so what are the must haves. I have said to my PC guy it must have 2 SSD's, 1 for music files only2//4 TB, and the other has to have everything else (windows, document's, pictures, etc
SSD for the Windows System Drive and swap file.
Standard Hard disk for Music.
I run all my music over a 1Gbps switch internally and that's the same speed as my internet connection.
What's the max bit rate for DACs these days - is it 512kbps?

Hard disks are way faster than that if internally connected.
Copy data over the network to a HD NAS can saturates the link.
I run Audirvarna too and control it from a Samsung has really improved in the last six months or so. I would advise a fanless pc to keep things quiet. A good laptop without a fan will work great, the good thing is you can fold it down and the screen is out of the way too.
I've got two 8T byte NAS in different parts of the house - hardwired into a switch.
I a master NAS to a slave NAS each morning using FreeFileSync on a Mac.
However, I had realised that the Mac can mount the WD different locations - this switched the software getting confused which was slave and which was master - caused major issues as I hadn't realised.
There's a reason the big business have the backup tapes or storage in a different locations/offsite storage.
I got the WD re-certified versions but one went bad and had to be replaced.

I've got much larger Windows 10 machines that get turned on one a month for updates and means I can have some form of historic storage.

Not sure about cloud storage, if you have fibre it may be OK but Amazon Prime was rubbish when it first was unlimited photo storage.
Also not sure what restore options are for home/cheap accounts.

I have, in the past, ran a cheaper RAID controller which failed - it lost the mirror information - which caused major storage problems.
Definitely get yourself at least one additional drive. Over the years, I've ended up with several, such that I've got all of my music duplicated on several drives at home and even a drive at my sisters home (just incase our house burns down).

Ref the process, you could use complicated methods to maintain sync. Personally I just use MS Sync Tool, which is freeware from Microsoft.
Definitely get yourself at least one additional drive. Over the years, I've ended up with several, such that I've got all of my music duplicated on several drives at home and even a drive at my sisters home (just incase our house burns down).

Ref the process, you could use complicated methods to maintain sync. Personally I just use MS Sync Tool, which is freeware from Microsoft.
I should update the portable drive with all my latest downloads on and give it to my partners son in sunny Skegness:)
This was my must haves, as was told a while ago to keep all the windows things on a separate drive
Photos and documents are not what I consider windows things. The Windows drive should have Windows and the pagefile alone. The data drive should have documents, photos, and ideally programs.
Photos and documents are not what I consider windows things. The Windows drive should have Windows and the pagefile alone. The data drive should have documents, photos, and ideally programs.
I never really thought of that. I My thinking was to have everything on 1 drive and my music files on the other

