
I need advice from those in the know

2 stones/10 months impossible without muscle loss? I don't think so, provided you do a bit of light exercise to maintain the muscle required.
Sorry, that's not what I meant. I was responding to ...

As for planning to lose two stone over ten months - not a prayer! I'd lose interest within a week, I need to see results.
... and merely suggesting that crash dieting may get you the results you want, but it's less likely to be sustainable. Mick has set himself a reasonable goal of two stones over 10 months, but he doesn't need to get crazy about it.
It would be quite dull to be that consistent for 10 months, but 1900 calories is actually quite a lot if you change the profile of what you eat.
That's a time-bound, dieting perspective, which is why people yo-yo in and out of weight problems. The bigger the crash, the stronger the rebound. It's a lifestyle change one way or another, sooner or later.

Thank you for the advice. I have also been speaking to a few people who have successfully overcome this problem and will act accordingly.

First thing to accept that being fat is being a total prick, there is just no excuse. You look disgusting, you are a mess and it is chavy. It is something that you just let creep up on you.

Therefore I am now eating sensibly and already have lost 3lb on the scales. I am drinking more water and am walking a lot more.

Breakfast is now just plain porrige with all the sugary fruit cut out. The Dundee cake is gone and the daily glass of whisky is now only to be a weekly treat. The intake of steamed and stir fryed veg is going up and all cakes, biscuits and the cheeses are taboo for the time being. I am allowing myself a small glass of wine with each evening meal.

I may also add in the two day fast regeime as it seems to have a lot of benefits and it may suit my lifestyle better.

I have not set myself a specific target as I don't want to look like a sunken sallow wreck that weight loss can bring about, but I was 12.5 stone for years and I was fit and healthy as well as looking good, so that is my unofficial target by the end of the year.

Mrs Mick is also on the diet and together we will do it.

I think these shocks actually do you some good, giving you a much needed kick up the arse.



Best of luck Mick. I hope you manage to keep up the motivation to continue in the long term. Just keep in mind that you CAN do it. It's just a matter of will.
Regarding alcohol, if you check out the Diabetes UK website they say that recommended limits for diabetics is the same as for non-diabetics. You just need to avoid alcoholic drinks with added or high unfermented sugars.

Alcohol actually lowers blood sugar levels which is why people eat kebabs with chilli sauce after a night out on the piss.

And is why diabetics have to be very aware of their alcohol intake. I once had the unfortunate pleasure of being at a party when a guy went in to a hypoglycaemic fit. Naturally, everyone was in a bit of a panic and an ambulance was called. Thankfully I had gone out to find food before the party really kicked off and the guy in question chose to come with me. I didn't know him from adam but on the way there he happened to mention that he needed to eat as he was a diabetic and obviously he wanted to drink at the party. If he hadn't told me this then I wouldn't have known to administer sugar to him when he was having his fit. The amazing thing was that it took just seconds for him to respond after I had just run a finger of sugar on the inside of his lip. First thing he said when he became aware of his surroundings was "who knew?", at which point, somewhat embarrassingly, a few people pointed at me.

I got the results of my blood test today and my sugar level is 4.2 which is very good.

I have therefore been declared healthy and diabetes is no longer a threat. I have also lost nearly 1.5 stone and I am now in the routine of eating less as recommended by Michael Winner in his book entitled the Fat Pigs Diet.

I aim to continue with the diet until the paunch is totally gone. The target is that I can look downwards and see my dick.

This just proves that being a fat pig is caused purely by laziness and neglect.


I'd just like to add: Excercise does much more than just burn off calories in terms of benefit. Lots of good things happen to do with the way the brain and nervous system and the digestive system work with energy and the chemicals floating around in your brain, these things that happen with excercise can actually change the foods you like, cravings for sugar and starch and alcohol can all but disappear with a routine of exercise you actually enjoy, your intestines bacterial flora improves which make the intestines more able to extract nutrients from food much more efficiently, therefore you start to like things like chicken or fish over say roast beef or lamb and more green veg over rice or pasta, this gets triggered by excercise via what your body says it wants to eat!

The intestines are where your health is, but to trigger proper change you need the exercise you enjoy to make you crave the right food to make the intestines healthy so you get more from your food, the make up of the bacteria in your gut is the limiting factor in the nutrients you can extract from food and how well you feel.

Excercise brings on healthy eating, healthy eating brings on better energy, better energy makes you feel good and if you feel good you will no longer stuff your face.


Healthy future.


PS Cycling and swimming are my two most enjoyable forms of excercise, without the enjoyment there would be no point.

Fruit is fine, but go easy on the sweets and white foods — white bread, white rice, potatoes, etc.

And get off your arse.


not a doctor , so my advise would be go back to your gp and make him tell you .

however , fruit is not fine . it is full of [natural] sugar . this deosnt mean you cant eat it but it does mean you can't eat it reardless
Don't fret too much, as any further stress can be a demotivating force.The accepted wisdom,seems to be that any reduction around your waistline,can only enhance your own insulin production,and effectiveness in lowering and maintaining blood sugar levels,it's the wild variations in blood sugar levels,that make you feel lousy,and cause damage to the body
Your GP can put you in touch with all kinds of knowledgeable professionals,who can help,best of luck,it's more of a yellow card than red,game over

I got the results of my blood test today and my sugar level is 4.2 which is very good.

I have therefore been declared healthy and diabetes is no longer a threat. I have also lost nearly 1.5 stone and I am now in the routine of eating less as recommended by Michael Winner in his book entitled the Fat Pigs Diet.

I aim to continue with the diet until the paunch is totally gone. The target is that I can look downwards and see my dick.

This just proves that being a fat pig is caused purely by laziness and neglect.



And the unemployed only have themselves to blame, eh? Didn't see that coming. :rolleyes:
11 pages is too much to catch up on so if Im duplicating advice thats my excuse

Avoid at all costs all 'diet' labelled items as they will have aspartame in and even worse sugar alternatives

Stevia is a plant based sugar alternative - I dont know much about personally but americans and health conscious types use it as I provided it for them when organising workshops etc

High Fructose, glucose and numerous other 'syrupy' euphemisms are a real danger - this must have been covered already ...?

Diabetic stuff often has seriously unhealthy (ie as approved by Monsantos corp etc very own science funded scientists in foundations and Universities etc all around the planet) sugar alternatives in

Wheat as we now call it bears no relation to historic wheat and has opiate like receptors in the extra chromosones to make it addictive ... I think its 16extra chromasones over historic spelt wheat etc which had 8 or 12. Hence the growth in the new all singing and dancing Billion $ "gluten free bisnis'

if you really want to be healthy and loose some crap dont eat any processed food and research the altenative edge - otherwise the billion dollar business of corporate bogative health foods will ensure you remain overweight and fleecable

As discerning inspection of the health bis online high profit websites will show even a casual observer

As you know I have been awarded a tinfoil hat - this simply means my views are more independent of corportate BS but having been vegan for 33 years and vege for 14 years before that

so I aint no fat git Mick and that I have been checking out ingredients from stolen Palestinian water supplies to Aspartame etc is good for you as the science says so- for all that time

I by Her Grace and my own pursuit of compassion aint got or had any cancers, have a waist line and all my hair - women still go crazy for me in addition to my dear wife so I commend my happy healthy tinfoolery to you

Short of kissing toads You are farked if you stay mainstream - they dont want you healthy as you are more profitable if ill etc

Blessed be

Its hard work
11 pages is too much to catch up on so if Im duplicating advice thats my excuse

Avoid at all costs all 'diet' labelled items as they will have aspartame in and even worse sugar alternatives

Stevia is a plant based sugar alternative - I dont know much about by at americans and health conscious types use it as I provided it for them when organising workshops etc

High Fructose, glucose and numerous other 'syrupy' euphemisms are a real danger - this must have been covered already ...?

Diabetic stuff often has seriously unhealthy (approved by Monsantos very own science funded scientists in foundations and Universities etc all around the planet) sugar alternatives in

Wheat as we now call it bears no relation to historic wheat and has opiate like receptors in the extra to make it addictive ... I think its 24 extra chromasones over historic spelt wheat etc

if you really want to be healthy dont eat any processed food and research the altenative edge - otherwise the billion dollar business of corporate bogative health foods will ensure you remain overweight and fleecable

As discerning inspection of the online high profit website will show even a casual observer

As you know I have been awarded a tinfoil hat - this means my views are more independent of corportate BS but having been vegan for 33 years and vege so I aint no fat git Mick and checking out ingredients from stolen Palestinian water supplies to Aspartame is good for you as the science says so for all that time

I by Her grace aint got any cancers have a waist line and all my hair - women still go crazy for me in addition to my dear wife so I commend my tinfoolery to you

Short of kissing toads You are farked if you stay mainstream - they dont want you healthy as you are more profitable if ill etc

Blessed be

Aah, bless......

Hey Chris - consistency - where else can this scoundrel hide

I blame and laud the cia funded Magic Bus

Still dont fully grok your journey into the abyss Man!

Do you have a waist and hair or is it wasted these days

cheers bro
This week - Marcus has been volunteered to be the face, not to say beard and glasses, of British food. During the course of the show, he'll be eating some food, examining the subject of packaging and waste, eating some more food, looking at supermarkets and seasonality, easting a bit more food, studying manufacturing and junk foods, eating some more food and then probably bursting.
Hey Chris - consistency - where else can this scoundrel hide

I blame and laud the cia funded Magic Bus

Still dont fully grok your journey into the abyss Man!

Do you have a waist and hair or is it wasted these days

cheers bro

A vast one and I have been moulting slowly since I was 18.:)

And cheers right back. This place is a better place with you in it.


