
How near is your nearest vineyard?

Wow! I had no idea there were so many wineries here. I’d have guessed about half a dozen. Is our climate really ok for grapes? I’d have thought the rainfall and lack of sunshine would have made it difficult. Maybe it’s all down to temperature though.
So, are these wines good? Are they cheaper than EU equivalent stuff? And can you rock up and get a 56 litre demijohn filled up on the cheap?
I’d rather see some Trappist monks brewing Trippel from an 800 year old recipe next door to me though.
Well, judging from the blurb on the Coates & Seely website, it would appear the wines are pretty good:

So, what does English wine taste like?
I am curious (and open-minded).
I’m having cheap and cheerful Côtes du Rhône 2017 from Guigal right now.
I can probably see a dozen different vineyards from the terrace here, although it’s hard to tell who owns which vines at a distance as plots are all a bit mixed up and are not necessarily near the winery. The nearest is 1 km away, the furthest maybe 6 or 7 km. There are more hiding behind the local hills - our commune has more than 30 different wine growers. It’s the main crop in the area, far ahead of olives and other vegetables. The wine we just had at lunch with the Sunday chicken was grown 5km away by the local coopérative. Allegedly.

No malt, no hops, can’t have it all.
So, what does English wine taste like?
I am curious (and open-minded).
I’m having cheap and cheerful Côtes du Rhône 2017 from Guigal right now.
The bubbly is as good as many French bubbly.
I haven't had much still but I believe it is pretty good and improving, particularly white of course.
Global warming is definitely helping English wine more than French.
The bubbly is as good as many French bubbly.
I haven't had much still but I believe it is pretty good and improving, particularly white of course.
Global warming is definitely helping English wine more than French.
Ok, when I’m in England I’ll definitely try some English crémant then. 😀
Tesco or M&S?

