
How near is your nearest vineyard?

I'd be more interested in the nearest malt whisky distillery.....

Nearest to me in London would probably be Aber Falls in Wales.

Makes me think of Kurt Weill's Alabama Song from The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny

"Oh show us the way to the next whisky bar.....
Oh, don't ask why....
Oh, don't ask why...."

This is just up the road. Disgracefully, I haven’t visited yet.

Whisky (and Gin) also up the road, very good they are too.

They seem to be popping up all over now, and they’re as far north as North Yorkshire, at least. It must be getting to the point down south where everyone has a local vineyard.

Ours, Burnt House Vineyard, is just under a mile away. The business appears to be flourishing, and they’re even planning to build some holiday accommodation on-site.

We live about a mile from here too, and a close friend works there. They're doing really well, just selling their first batch of Pinot Noir & SWMBO loves their Bacchus. I don't drink, but by all accounts their wines have developed a real cult following for such a young enterprise.
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I think our nearest is probably in Holmfirth, which is about 40 miles from Manchester as the crow flies. I think they also do PN and Bacchus. Not a fan of Bacchus, as it goes, it seemed a bit ‘bof’. I suspect it gets grown here because it’ll do reliably in northern climes, rather than because it’s a particularly memorable wine grape. But maybe others are getting better results with it.
I think our nearest is probably in Holmfirth, which is about 40 miles from Manchester as the crow flies. I think they also do PN and Bacchus. Not a fan of Bacchus, as it goes, it seemed a bit ‘bof’. I suspect it gets grown here because it’ll do reliably in northern climes, rather than because it’s a particularly memorable wine grape. But maybe others are getting better results with it.
Holmfirth - Last of the Summer Wine 😄
I'd be more interested in the nearest malt whisky distillery.....
Move to Moray, my nearest is half a mile as the crow flies. Another 8 or so within 10 miles.

Moray has 51 of Scotland's 115 distilleries. So rather spoiled for choice if you like a Speyside malt.

As for the original post, there is supposedly a vineyard in Fife but not sure how drinkable it's product is. I think you are better off with the distilled "barley wine".
We have 2 just outside the village (Hush Heath and Herbert Hall), and a gin distillery (Anno) a 5 minute stroll away. Kent really is a very nice place...
Just over the fence:
Wow! I had no idea there were so many wineries here. I’d have guessed about half a dozen. Is our climate really ok for grapes? I’d have thought the rainfall and lack of sunshine would have made it difficult. Maybe it’s all down to temperature though.
So, are these wines good? Are they cheaper than EU equivalent stuff? And can you rock up and get a 56 litre demijohn filled up on the cheap?
I’d rather see some Trappist monks brewing Trippel from an 800 year old recipe next door to me though.
Not my idea of retirement! :)

Contemplated doing 20 acres a couple of years ago; you're spot on!

A successful vineyard takes a great deal of management from decisions on basic agronomy to sourcing labour and machinery.

We've got loads around us in N E Essex, low altitude and proximity to the coast keeps us warm and the usual dry climate reduces the risk of botrytis.

Slightly suspicious about the sustainability as they all seem to have side uses such as wedding venues, restaurants and tour schedules.

