

Well they don't impress me with their big cars and similar salaries, while the rest of us live in a competitive world.

How many options have you to send a parcel?

Answer: Plenty

How many options have you for council services?

Answer: No options.

Little wonder we pay so much!
Some people live in a fantasy world if they think council employees swan around in big cars and work in state-of-the-art offices. They's read too much right-wing bullshit.
Makes me want to puke. Who are these people promoting particularly) middle class children as somehow being saintly for doing what thousands do silently for people who our taxes shoukd be helping?

So very “Daily Mail”. Those here and on Social Media should ask themselves some searching questions like “how would they feel if the homeless person was an immigrant and Muslim?

fair point , but it makes a refreshing change from all the evil stuff talked about like knifing and other stuff
yes and many of the homeless are immigrants and it makes no difference to how we treat them , let alone their faith or lack of it
Well they don't impress me with their big cars and similar salaries, while the rest of us live in a competitive world.

How many options have you to send a parcel?

Answer: Plenty

How many options have you for council services?

Answer: No options.

Little wonder we pay so much!
Has it escaped your notice that costs for council services have been rising significantly since many of them started to be outsourced to the private sector?

As far as I know, there isn't anything to prevent businesses setting up in competition to council services. But they don't, do they? And you blame councils for this?
fair point , but it makes a refreshing change from all the evil stuff talked about like knifing and other stuff
yes and many of the homeless are immigrants and it makes no difference to how we treat them , let alone their faith or lack of it

Yet we see it in the Tory tabloids EVERY festive season. A good news story. We know it's that time of year. They'll always find a "little Johnny" or an "angelic young Crispin" to take people's minds of the horror of the selfish greedy and totally unchristian way of life that the majority of their readers choose to live. It's the people publicising them that make me want to puke.
Yet we see it in the Tory tabloids EVERY festive season. A good news story. We know it's that time of year. They'll always find a "little Johnny" or an "angelic young Crispin" to take people's minds of the horror of the selfish greedy and totally unchristian way of life that the majority of their readers choose to live. It's the people publicising them that make me want to puke.
I didn't realise the (Plymouth) Herald, owned by Trinity Mirror, was a Tory tabloid. :eek:

I said "so Daily Mail". Here's the journalist in question, Katie Timms. Have a look at her Facebook page and smell the John Lewis fabrics and Kath Kidston accessories. Not sure what Katie is doing for the homeless. Not much by the look of it...
Perfectly encapsulates the callous disregard many tory politicians have for the homeless.
It will be interesting to see if *Hargan involve themselves.

*Harry and Megan

I said "so Daily Mail". Here's the journalist in question, Katie Timms. Have a look at her Facebook page and smell the John Lewis fabrics and Kath Kidston accessories. Not sure what Katie is doing for the homeless. Not much by the look of it...
I like Liberty fabrics and expensive hifi, yet give money to the homeless. Are we now into judging people by what they wear?
I like Liberty fabrics and expensive hifi, yet give money to the homeless. Are we now into judging people by what they wear?

Or what they eat?

You could do more. We all could. We should not have to though. Government should be resolving the issue through social and tax reforms. This little boy and all his school mates should be throwing their money and other objects in Theresa May's face rather than giving it to the needy. This will not teach the guilty anything.
Exactly and its the same throughout. Public servants, especially councils of any sort, should have the most basic and economic office space available, out of town on industrial sites would be perfectly adequate. I really fail to see how they get away with squandering money on massive exotic building with fabulous facilities when the services they provide to the tax payer become more and more expensive and less and less effective.

You are David Littlejohn and I claim my five Brexit pounds.
While on the subject of Councils in the context of this thread I am often reminded of the role that councils play in the issue of homelessness.

Of the few cases I am aware of it is the council eviction of tenants (rightly or wrongly ) that initiates homelessness.

Typically it is for unsocial behaviour and non payment of rent.

