
HiFiWigWam Banning long standing members en masse

...aaand you're back in the room.

I see that thread has now been locked. As my old login no longer seems to work (probably withered and died, years ago), I don't know whether anything came out at the end or not. It's a bit like watching 23 episodes of '24' and finding the recorder ran out of room for the last one. Anybody on here know whether anything significant happened, or was it just more of the same up to the end?
There's a simple solution, stop posting on the Wam if one doesn't like the new owners. Though I'd suggest all the whinging is more to do with certain members not being able to hold the site to ransom than anything else.
The thread still seems active, it's just been relocated to 'the pub carpark' area. It all got very weird yesterday and I've now not a clue what is going on to be honest. James (JamPal) has now asked for his posting rights to be removed, a huge shame given he built the place and was the one most able to tread that very fine-line balance between anarchy and decency that kept the Wam together at its best. I guess it's really not my place to comment in any of this and it is probably somewhat unwise to do so, but that's the biggest deal to date IMHO. I really hope someone can pull the place together again.
There's a simple solution, stop posting on the Wam if one doesn't like the new owners. Though I'd suggest all the whinging is more to do with certain members not being able to hold the site to ransom than anything else.

Well, quite. In addition, the abuse the mods came in for was quite gob-smacking.
The thread still seems active, it's just been relocated to 'the pub carpark' area. It all got very weird yesterday and I've now not a clue what is going on to be honest. James (JamPal) has now asked for his posting rights to be removed, a huge shame given he built the place and was the one most able to tread that very fine-line balance between anarchy and decency that kept the Wam together at its best. I guess it's really not my place to comment in any of this and it is probably somewhat unwise to do so, but that's the biggest deal to date IMHO. I really hope someone can pull the place together again.

James has pulled that post for fear of being crushed in the rush for the exit. :)
I haven't looked at or posted on the Wam for a couple of years and was surprised to find that my Login still worked.

Had a look at 'that thread' yesterday.

Quite surreal.

I hope they sort themselves out.


