
help please

Firstly, if it's in good condition and the focussing screen isn't damaged (as it seems it may be) then it will be a great camera, but the lens doesn't sound too hot.

The "No Returns" policy is a little worrying. If you want a Hasselblad and want to be sure you can get your money back you might be better off going to a proper dealer such as The Pro Centre in London, or a reputable general second hand dealer like Aperture

I'd be surprised if the one you found on ebay doesn't attract bids upwards of £500 nearer the cut off time, which is a big risk if it isn't perfect.

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thanks Cliff
very helpful I was a bit skeptical when they said small crack in the screen but easy to replace + possibly needs a service,

what I'm learning here is in my situation don't buy a camera off ebay go to a dealer
my wife has just excelled herself and bought me the Bronica from Ffordes as a surprise,

the next question is where's the best place to buy film?
7dayshop have been very reliable so far. I've ordered from Silverprint but they have a £25 minimum order and have a nasty habit of allowing you to order stuff that they don't have in stock - my last bottle of Rodinal took more than a week longer than the rest of the order.
just another quick question,

where in the London area can I get colour film processed,

ta in advance

Genie Imaging in Wandsworth is the cheapest
Book your film in online on

then either mail it to them with recorded delivery back to you (send more than one at a time to save money), or drop it in and collect within a few hours.

I pay them £1.50 for E6 or C41 processing per film (120 and 35). B&W 120 film is more expensive so I use Fuji Neopan CN which is still 1.50 (ex VAT)
Don't forget to book the film in on the internet before you go down there to drop off as you only get the £1.50 price on internet sales. If you turn up on spec they will charge much more!

one of the first snaps with the Bronica,
I'd appreciate any thoughts you have

That is very nice Vibbles. Is that from a negative?

Coming from a 35mm DSLR background for the last 8 years I have a tendency with a MF camera with a WLF to try possibly overly hard to get my verticals aligned with the edge of frame, but your sot emphasises the organic with the slight lean on the building top right making it a more loving and less technical shot. The DOF also works well emphasising the 3D nature of the plant(s)

thanks Cliff

it's Fuji reala colour neg film, I got them developed and put on a disc, don't know if that's the best way,

they've me quite happy because they're hand held and I was none too sure of the focus
Re. focus, have you found the pop up magnifier? If not, there's a release catch for it just under the top plate of the waist finder when it is popped up. Sorry, that's probably a terrible description, but you pop the finder up and take a look you should see what I mean, it should have a white arrow painted on it.
Don't worry, I didn't find it till I'd shot at least 5 or 6 rolls :)
If you have a scanner capable of scanning MF negs, it's worth scanning your own as having the lab do it is usually pretty pricey.

