
Harvey Weinstein

We may not have moved as far as you personally would like ( the POTUS is a prime example of that.) but we have made progress.

You can keep fighting. Good for you. Some are simply realistic. To be offended by realism is an unfortunate place to be.
Might as well just be realistic about Israel/Palestine then. Never gonna change. Shrugs...
Might as well just be realistic about Israel?palestine then. Never gonna change. Shrugs...

No, as I said, you keep fighting. Realistically, it's going to take a nuclear threat to get the Israelis to respect the United Nations but that shouldn't stop us fighting for it. I'm not going to ask realists to shut up though - or brand them as Zionist sympathisers.
Choose another career and go to the police.

I wouldn't allow a guy to play with my tackle in order to retain a position in the City. I would report him.
So it's the woman's problem for not reporting it due to unspoken threats regarding her future in her chosen career...ok.

So in your world.....get sexually abused, either report it & get fired & have no future in your chosen career
or...put up & shut up, nice.

Seems you have very little knowledge or understanding on the subject of sexual abuse, your posts are not only ignorant of the suffering of those involved but also nothing more than trolling a very sensitive subject.

I would suggest moving on, maybe come back when you have read up a little on the subject, or maybe spoken to those who have suffered such abuse.
Perhaps another explanation is that it's a much more difficult and complex situation for the victims than you appear capable of appreciating?

For children being sexually abused I can agree with that. For adults looking for fame and fortune? Sorry but no. These people are considered old enough to vote. They are old enough to marry. They are old enough to know right from wrong.

They know full well that what is being asked or done is wrong and potentially illegal and yet there is a conflict of interest with protecting their career and earning a lot of money. The option is there to confront the issue and spare others the pain but it might result in financial loss.

I appreciate the dilemma - I just think by acquiescing women must accept some of the blame just as an adult eating four tons of junk food every day (because it's offered to them) and subsequently becoming obese, must take a share of the blame. I won't use the term victim I'm afraid.
Far too many posts in this thread are astonishingly naive and it worries me that some men on here seem happy to voice such misguided, ill informed opinions dressed as statements of fact.
For children being sexually abused I can agree with that. For adults looking for fame and fortune? Sorry but no. These people are considered old enough to vote. They are old enough to marry. They are old enough to know right from wrong.

They know full well that what is being asked or done is wrong and potentially illegal and yet there is a conflict of interest with protecting their career and earning a lot of money. The option is there to confront the issue and spare others the pain but it might result in financial loss.

I appreciate the dilemma - I just think by acquiescing women must accept some of the blame just as an adult eating four tons of junk food every day (because it's offered to them) and subsequently becoming obese, must take a share of the blame. I won't use the term victim I'm afraid.

Case in point.

Another enraged idealist.

Just think about it for a second before getting on your high horse.
Ah. How do/did you make your moolah? What line of work?

I was in mobile phones when they first arrived and I kept many clients by making them aware of potential savings whenever they appeared and generally helping them to save money - at the networks' expense of course.

I'm still in touch with many to this day, 25 years on.
I'm not whining. Not sure how could interpret what I have said as such.

Just fascinated that's all.

Disabled? Okay, so a wheelchair bound actress would be a victim but an able bodied one not?

For children being sexually abused I can agree with that. For adults looking for fame and fortune? Sorry but no. These people are considered old enough to vote. They are old enough to marry. They are old enough to know right from wrong.

They know full well that what is being asked or done is wrong and potentially illegal and yet there is a conflict of interest with protecting their career and earning a lot of money. The option is there to confront the issue and spare others the pain but it might result in financial loss.

I appreciate the dilemma - I just think by acquiescing women must accept some of the blame just as an adult eating four tons of junk food every day (because it's offered to them) and subsequently becoming obese, must take a share of the blame. I won't use the term victim I'm afraid.
Again, shows the utter ignorance of your knowledge of this subject.
Not all actresses who are placed in this situation are fame hungry fools as you seem to think, most are aspiring actors that should not be in the company of men who feel obliged to take advantage.

A woman should never have to make a choice between her future & her dignity.
This is where you seem blind to the facts, the problem lies at the source, not with the actions of the woman.
You also need to take into account varying personality traits, not all are born equal, some will have the strength of character to say no, some will not, some will feel obliged when faced with such authority.

