
Had a visit from the Police.

Get real they don’t check on terrorists by coming door knocking. They were using it as an excuse to get on the property and see if they could spot drugs or one of their other quota crimes.
The police went to the trouble of examining FM's shopping for the past year to create an excuse for them to knock on his door in the hope he hadn't tidied up his meth lab that morning?
It added a bit of excitement to a dull day. I don't often get visitors, so it was nice to show someone my projects.
It’s a good attitude. Big brother aspect isn’t entirely to my liking. It’s some kind of amateur baddie who would pay by card anyway!
The police went to the trouble of examining FM's shopping for the past year to create an excuse for them to knock on his door in the hope he hadn't tidied up his meth lab that morning?
You say that like local Constable Dullwit went through some bank statements by hand. It was a data mined output, purely algorithmic. And yes, the algorithm was created with exactly that purpose.
Welcome to the surveillance state people. Honestly unless youve bought something legally restricted, which airgun 'parts' are not, id be straight onto the info commissioner's office, they've misused personal data collection.
Pretty much anybody that wants information about you has it already and you willingly hand it over without even knowing it. Its a sad to admit scenario in the world, but our data is worth so much it’s the most valuable commodity on the planet now.

I was as burgled to the tune of a lot of money and I didn’t see a policeman once. No one cared at all. To actually hear that there are officers on foot is good.
You never hear much about the criminals that are caught by the police before they get to do damage: a copy of a brief press release or a thirty second news slot is about the size of it. It's the ones that get away that get the exposure...
I don't think this is anything to to with terrorism. Much more likely that list of gear fits the profile of someone who might be engaged in modifying or fabricating firearms, such people are in high demand in the criminal world.
There was an explosion in my lavatory the other day, no one came around to investigate! 🫣😁
Probably because the resulting turdulance was minimal.
I wouldn't be happy with them coming round at 9pm.
Not wishing to divert from Fatmarley's experience, but I also had a nocturnal visit from the police in my Ramsgate house (cusp of 80s and 90s?). It seems I was reported by a local lady for a supposed traffic violation on the Heads of the Valleys road not far from Neath, west Wales. I couldn't believe it, but I was on that road, but on different day to the one submitted.

Ended up in a Welsh court, would you believe, where I was acquitted by a very sceptical judge/jury. All that hassle !!! I remembered the incident, where an old dear (or couple) drove out of a side road, across the other carriageway and into my path and I had to swerve round her at speed, possibly crossing road lines. It was simply a minor incident fast forgotten at the time but how or why she's insisted on the wrong day is beyond me. I also have no idea why the local police decided it merited a witch-hunt.
You never hear much about the criminals that are caught by the police before they get to do damage: a copy of a brief press release or a thirty second news slot is about the size of it. It's the ones that get away that get the exposure...
You can’t “catch” a criminal before they commit a crime. What you can do, and under the Tories has been significantly expanded, is create new crimes for people who are looking at things in a funny way, or are brown, or want to show people things you want to hide, or are saying things that Labour would like. And then you claim that catching those “criminals” prevented the crime that didn’t happen.
I was as burgled to the tune of a lot of money and I didn’t see a policeman once. No one cared at all. To actually hear that there are officers on foot is good.
You seriously think it’s good that there are officers on foot sniffing around trying to nick easy targets when you’ve personally experienced their absolute indifference to real crimes ? Wow. Just wow.
And for all of you who think I’m a conspiracy theorist, think back to how gleeful the plods were when they got Covid powers and could hand out penalties willy-nilly to the middle classes with no risk of being stabbed.
You seriously think it’s good that there are officers on foot sniffing around trying to nick easy targets when you’ve personally experienced their absolute indifference to real crimes ? Wow. Just wow.
True, and I can see where you’re coming from. But a list of ingredients for a bomb threat or gun making enterprise poses more of a threat to human life than a burglary no?
Sure. But again - they had no interest in a threat to human life. They are fed this information as an excuse to go onto properties and if they can spot (or smell) anything (usually drugs) that might allow a non-warrant search and an easy conviction to get their numbers up.
And before anyone makes silly suggestions, I don’t do any drugs whatsoever and barely have a glass of wine a week these days. This is about police tactics not my personal experiences.

