
HackerNAP/CAP Group Buy now on!


wondering why my status has not yet been updated. Sent my conf e-mail on Monday.

Could you please check and possibly actualise the order list?


Hi guys, I have a long list of updates to do - I'm rushing around today but will get them done very shortly. No worries :)
ahof wrote : Hi, hope I can still join!

Me too!

I've sent an email regarding 7 NAP 10 CAP

Best wishes, John
Don't forget guy's.
You need 2 caps for each nap ordered for the standard bom.
i.e post 125 ( 7 and 10 ) ?
Unless you need some for when the blue smoke appears.
Just a thought.
Don't forget guy's.
You need 2 caps for each nap ordered for the standard bom.
i.e post 125 ( 7 and 10 ) ?
Unless you need some for when the blue smoke appears.
Just a thought.

Hi, that would be me!

My thinking was that it is more than half a lifetime since I regularly made projects from ETI magazine, and I thought I would get back in practice by making up one board with the cheapest possible components. In addition, I have been to the Rega factory a couple of times as one of my patients works there. The last time I took my 15 year old son and he was given the full tour and was really quite taken with it, to the extent that he is starting to take an interest in the HiFi rather than just itunes:) He is doing GCSE physics, so I thought he might want to make one up as well.

Is this a stupid idea and should I just get the extra 4 CAP boards anyway?

With best wishes, John
Hi, that would be me!

My thinking was that it is more than half a lifetime since I regularly made projects from ETI magazine, and I thought I would get back in practice by making up one board with the cheapest possible components. In addition, I have been to the Rega factory a couple of times as one of my patients works there. The last time I took my 15 year old son and he was given the full tour and was really quite taken with it, to the extent that he is starting to take an interest in the HiFi rather than just itunes:) He is doing GCSE physics, so I thought he might want to make one up as well.

Is this a stupid idea and should I just get the extra 4 CAP boards anyway?

With best wishes, John

Order the extras.
Without PCBs its very hard to undertake these projects, everything else can be sourced/parts lists updated etc but the pcb is the one key component.. For the relatively low cost of the pcb its worth getting more than you need anyway, I keep a spare set of pcbs for most projects that interest me in my parts draw along with a printout of the BOM and build guides.. You never know when you might want/need it.

Lovely bit of kit as well, better than anything I have heard AND I got to build it myself :)

HackerNAP power amp #2 by, on Flickr

Hi Sam.

Is those Kendeil caps on your psu? And are they in front or output psu? Which one matters the most?


Kendeils on the output stage, some suitable phillips caps on the front end (cant remember specifics).
Both are important..

please dont just ask here - you need to email!!
Carl has a lot to do without constantly checking here.
If you haven't already :-
Estimated Costs
Please bear in mind that these costs are approximate given the level of interest so far, but I don't expect them to change much, if at all.

NAP: $5.00USD (approx £3.00) each
CAP: $4.50USD (approx £2.75) each

Next Steps

George: could you delete your list of participants from the first post of this thread and post a link to this post instead? It'll make it easier for folks to find the most up-to-date progress list.

For everyone else it's probably best to confirm your order with me, even though I'm afraid it's going to duplicate a little effort on your part. Here's what I need:

1. Email me ([email protected]) with the following info:
a) Your pfm alias
b) Your name (or that of the person you'd like me to ship to)
c) Your full postal address, including country and post/ZIP code
d) The number of NAPs you'd like
e) The number of CAPs you'd like

2. As each email comes in I'll mark you as "confirmed", above.

3. Once we're all confirmed (or the target date of Sunday May 6th expires) I'll take the numbers and get an exact quote for our order.

4. I'll send out a request for payment. Paypal only please. In the past I've taken checks and direct bank payments, but it's just a pain. Sorry!

5. As each payment comes in I'll mark you as "payed", above.

6. Once we're all paid up (or the target date of Sunday May 13th expires) I'll place the order.

7. Pack, stack, and post!

8. Beer ;-)
Hi guys,

I just want to keep you up-to-date: I'm running behind schedule due to work obligations and I owe reports to a couple of clients, who currently have precedence over the pfm group buy ;-)

Don't panic if you haven't heard back from me, I've currently got 22 unread emails in my hacker.pcb inbox!

I'd love to say I'll have it sorted today, but that's pretty unlikely given my workload for the next couple of days. I'm off on holiday on Tuesday and I'm taking my laptop, so expect to see me in a pub somewhere in the sun with a glass of something cheeky and a leisurely stroll through the group buy emails.

So... everything is still going fine, just slower than anticipated. This means that if you'd still like to join in there's plenty time - just email me. I'm now officially ignoring all orders placed in this thread and am tracking orders by email only ([email protected]). You have been warned!

Let me know if you've got any questions or whatnot.

Hallo Carl,

Sometimes, like now, when I sit in front of my stereo with a glass of wine and listen to the tunes, I am still amazed what an improvement the hackerNAP brought to my system.

It is almost unbelievable that I built it myself and it is still that good.
I stare in disbelief at my speakers, wondering where all the emotions in the music come from and where they have been before the hackerNAP.

So, thank you not only for making this GB happen, but also for designing such great PCBs. This is really something special.
Thanks, cubeasic, I'm glad you're enjoying it! However, the credit really isn't mine to take - it's that of Naim and Avondale engineers; Acoustica resources; PigletsDad's FET VBE circuit; and many, many suggestions and advice from other pfm members. I just lumped all the good ideas together in one place!

I'm finally ready to catch up with this project - I've bought a pack of beer and will be knuckling down to this tonight after work :) Things will start to move very quickly now!

