
HackerNAP/CAP Group Buy now on!

Hi All,

Just getting some quotes on the boards.

To those of you who have come in late or have been considering whether or not to ask - I will be leaving it open until the end of the month. I will send out invoices on 1 April 2012 which will give me time and also allow for people to get paid and should (hopefully) mean payment is pretty quick.

Any problems you have my email.

All should be added to the list.


Hi George
can you up my order by another 6 caps please so that makes a total of 4 naps and 8 caps
Hi George,

been away on holiday so haven't checked in a while but you're still missing my order from the list.

10 NAPs and 30 CAPs please.

Hi George,

Please sign me up for 4 Nap and 14 Cap boards please! (Personal mail sent as per instructions)
many thanks

Hallo George,

are the paypal invoices already sent?
I didn´t see one.

Just to be sure not to miss the payment...

Could you please remove/delete my request for a pair of HackerCaps PCBs please George. Thank you.

- John
George, can you update us on the status please. Do you have an ETA for this GB to get going? If not perhaps someone else can help?
If George isn't able to continue with the group buy for whatever reason, I'm happy to step in and help see it through to completion.

I'm in the middle east on business for the next 2 weeks, but if the pace hasn't picked up by the time I get back I'll get in touch with George and see if we can work something out. Either way, don't despair - another group buy will go ahead :)

I've emailed George but haven't heard back. I'm still in the middle east but will be back home later this coming week. If I still haven't heard from him by then I'll take over and run it from there.

