
Goddamn effing flickr

It's like ads on American terrestrial TV after 3AM, STTNG is over, MASH (or TAXI) has ended and its The Dating Game
Back in 2 and 2... (Twitch, twitch)
Click on the photo, then on the little sharing box in the bottom right and you can grab the vB code, HTMP or whatever. I seem to be pretty much alone in not having an issue with Flickr since the redesign, and I've not seen anything to like especially about Ipernity or Imageshack. I'm staying put. Save leaving hundreds of broken links here on pfm too (e.g. the old PAW threads will be ruined with folk moving their pics from Flickr).

The way the portfolio page is now displayed is a huge improvement IMHO.

I know of a least one person who moved to Ipernity and has found that his photos - which are excellent - are getting next to no hits.


Altec 003 by markus_s_555, on Flickr

Ah hah; they want you to advertise flickr by telling people that you're hosting your photos there every single time you're embedding one of your photos. Reason enough for me to avoid them in the future, I think. I'm royally pissed off.

Further edit: and they say so in their "Community Guidelines", which means they can terminate your account if you don't follow their corporate agenda. Bye-ee.

Posted from Flickr

I'm not after hits. I just want online storage for photos which I want to show on websites and want to remain in control of.

I'm seriously pissed off about the look and feel. Why don't I get to choose the old style as an option?

Why can't they keep their help section up to date? That cost me about an hour. I may be slow, but it's still an hour they've stolen from my life through lazy- or carelessness.

Why do they introduce an effing icon when the word Share somewhere would have been so much easier to identify across users of different platforms? These effing Apple users (I find Apple MBs a pita to use because I can't just tip on the pad and need to use the mousebar; plus there's just one mouse button which feels totally clumsy when you're used to context menus controlled from the right-hand mouse button in Windows-based software; there's probably a way around that but it wasn't implemented on any Mac product I've used at friends) tend to dominate anything to do with visuals in software, and they tend to forget that their software will mostly be used by non-Apple-users.
Posted from Flickr

The keen observers among you will have noticed that I posted two pics aboove, one with the link back to flickr, one without. That means that yes, I do know how to get around the flippin' linkback.

But if I do this, I violate flickr's new terms and conditions and may see my account terminated and all my photos erased. I'm just not happy with that.
They aren't new terms and conditions, they've been like that since forever. The only thing that has changed is they scripted the copy function to include all of the link back stuff, but even that was done about two years ago.
It definitely wasn't in their t&c when I joined in 2006. Anyway, no matter when the clause was introduced, I don't like it.
a Judas Priest album cover (with pin hole burns natch) would be a more aesthetically congruent match for hose bins.
Ah, wrong.
For those who really understand, Altec + Jazz = perfect.

Calm down. It's not the end of the world. Honestly.
I know, and I've already taken my 5 chill pills daily dosage.

I chose the Altec pic because I still regret selling them in 2009 in anticipation of a house move that still hasn't happened today (but will at the end of te month). Not one of my more enlightened decisions.

Should I ever have any money again, one of these


is a definite possibility.
Ipernity does give you a choice on how you present your work, their bb code link can be found in the more options dropdown (more obvious now than it used to be).
It is much more European, lots of German and French users so the translate button can come in handy (to get some mangled sense of what's being said for the non-linguists)
Umm Markus, unless I read it wrong, you are not a paying user of Flickr and you only have 33 publicly viewable pictures there in 7 years? there's just one mouse button which feels totally clumsy when you're used to context menus controlled from the right-hand mouse button in Windows-based software; there's probably a way around that but it wasn't implemented on any Mac product I've used at friends...

Macs have had a right mouse button for a long time - since 2005. Mouse preferences might be a good place for your friends to look.
I don't know what yahoo is up to unless they want to increase ad revenues or will pull an elaborate bait and switch on former pro users gone free, but I have just cancelled my flickr pro renewal due next month because In 3,000 photos I am using 0.49% of my 1TB free account allocated amount.

So freeloading scumbag I become

They make it easy to migrate to free as well. That's £25 quid a year saved.

