
Get thee an elna silmic....

Originally posted by RichardH
Is 75p each reasonable?

I've found a supplier in the States with 2sb737s at $0.99 each, plus $5 shipping and $1.99 handling. I can't get a response on the email for signal transfer so I've no idea how much the P&P would be, but at only $5.00 from the States this could be the place to go.


'We can provide you with 20 pieces of 2SB737 at a cost of US$0.99 each.
Here are the details:

Qty 20 2SB737 Rohm transistor @ US$0.99 = US$19.80
United States Postal Service Global Priority Mail postage = US$5.00
Handling = US$1.99
Total = US$26.79

It will take us four or five days to obtain the transistors. Global
Priority Mail takes about five days to arrive, so you should have the
merchandise about 10 business days after we receive payment, which you may
provide using VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or PayPal.'

$26.79 is about £15.51. From signal transfer it would be £15 just for the transistors, without P&P.

Does anyone what me to create a bulk order?
Signal transfer is free postage in the UK. I mailed him a while ago about these transistors, and he said he had them in stock as a "normal stock item".

Re getting the other transistors from PacificSemio, it looks like delivery will be OK - $15 or so, so spread over 200 transistors, it works out at $0.07 extra per transistor. I'll take an executive decision and go for it :D - all passed on to PFM twiddlers at cost, of course.

I've lost track a bit of what transistors you're planning to order. Count me in for enough for two phono boards and two line boards

yes if you're doing an order anyway I'd also be in for 10 of the SB737s. Thats a definite.
Tim - it's the 2SC3329 - suggested replacement for the now unavailable 2SD786. I'll let people know once I've got them on the way, and we can sort it out then.
Pacific Semi do them for $0.20 each, and if I manage to get a decent quantity (they claim to have around 200 in stock - we'd soon get through that lot between us!), the shipping only comes to another $0.07 per transistor.
Garf is correct, that is the one I was thinking off.

Richard, I think I know what you mean, the transistor/capacitor salesman must feel like the cheese salesman when we phone him up.

Just to get involved I have found silmics 47/50 at 75p. (I don’t know if this is the lowest price so far, but I can’t be bothered reading through 5 pages to find out). Some of the other stuff looks pretty cheap, although I have bought LM6171’s at half the price. Is £17.50 cheap for a TDA1541?
I've just found that as well (thanks to an email from ron, actually). £2.50 delivery, but it does look promising.

Although there is a load of gibberish in this thread re capacitor prices, there's also a lot of useful info (well, I've found it useful, anyway!)

As long as Tony and the other powers that be don't mind, I'm happy to organise and administer a not for profit group buy on these caps, plus the transistors we've discussed above. I'm just knocking a web page into shape so any interested parties can indicate what they'd like, then we'll see which way to go from there.
Although there is a load of gibberish in this thread re capacitor prices.

I wouldn't say there is any gibberish concerning capacitor prices.

I wasn’t having ago at anybody regarding the reference to Monty Python.
The Python sketch I referred to, does, in an over the top Python way, highlight the impulse that people have to go one better than the next person.

This is a good thing. We now have details of suppliers that can supply Silmics for less than £1.00. Ced, who originated this thread paid just under £2 for his.
I for one wasn't trying to go one better than anyone else - I was merely putting forward alternatives that might benefit all of us. Probably what everyone else was doing as well. Keeps us busy anyway
Fatcat - I see what you mean now - like Tim I was merely joining in a group effort to find cheaper caps - afraid I was being dense.

Anyway, when I were a lad, we used to 'ave to make capacitors from cardboard boxes and gravel we'd scraped from't road wi' tongue...;)

Putting all that aside, I've set up a thingy to let people register an interest in these caps, so we can see if there's enough interest for a bulk purchase - I've also added the 2sc3329 and 2sb737 transistors on there too.
Richard, where would the registration 'thingy' be? Can't find it behind the sofa.
Richard or anybody who knows the answer.

With reference to the transistors you are thinking of buying I am in great need of some advice. I basically know what a resistor does, and looks like. I know there is a base, collector and emitter. I know if substituting them the legs may need rearranging and I know some are pnp and some npn, buts thats about all. I have a CD player, to which I am going to fit a Superclock. This player has Phillips transistors BC338, BC328, BC548 and BC558. Is it simply matter of substituting 2sc3329 and 2sb737 transistors for the Phillips transistors or will the associated resistors capacitors etc need to be changed for them to work correctly. I thought I could upgrade some of the transistors whilst fitting the clock.
You shouldn't need to replace associated resistors to make the transistors work.
I would imagine the main thing is to make sure the transistors you use to replace the current items can be used as replacements - i.e. current capabilities etc are similar. I'm sure someone who's more knowledgeable about particular transistors can advice better.

