
General Election 2024

Climate change will make large areas of our planet uninhabitable but it's business as usual for our politicians.
But might also make currently uninhabitable regions habitable, according to Farage. He demonstrates an unparalleled grasp of climate science that man. I’d vote for him.
In the words of her deputy leader- scum! Utter, utter, lowlife, venal, opportunistic, vile piece of shit. How could anyone vote for this filth?
Yes. I’ve never understood how anyone could vote for Thatcherism, and I don’t understand how anyone can now vote Labour for much the same reasons
this is a most depressing thread without a glimmer of positivity.

And here was simple old me thinking the Tories losing the election was “a good thing”.

How stupid was I?


Hard to tell who is more hated, Labour or the Tories (but it has been said that PF is not representative of the real the world).
But might also make currently uninhabitable regions habitable, according to Farage. He demonstrates an unparalleled grasp of climate science that man. I’d vote for him.

I suspect Farrago's grasp of Climate Change is akin to mine of scuba potholing! But I guess any old Bo**x will do from his POV to gain votes from those who have also nae clue about such matters.
Surely #3660 should be on the War Declared thread ? One of the best interviews on the subject.
It should be on both! Relevant to this one as it shows how politicians have been influenced/ bought, and really interesting to see that influence shift (starting on the left, moving right and left again - or not so left!) over the decades. It was really excellent wasn't it.

I watched this yesterday -
- really depressing to see the ignorance/ racism on display. Fertile ground for the far right - fears about immigration whipped up in a place which is not very ethnically diverse. We shouldn't forget how racist society was 30-50 years ago, across both right and left politics, and still is since those attitudes haven't changed amongst those people that are now in their 60s/70s/80s.
Yes. I’ve never understood how anyone could vote for Thatcherism, and I don’t understand how anyone can now vote Labour for much the same reasons

I wonder how much of Labour's vote is now due to "best placed to replace the Tories" rather than any clue about whose politicies would be the best... as Starmore steers clear of upsetting the Sun/Mail axis too much.

Personally I'll vote Green because to me that is what I want, and I wish to make that clear. The argument that you have to vote Labour to get rid of the Tories simply continues to entrench the duopoly. Albeit this time it might be the Dummicrats as the 'official oppostion". All the others are like the Band that played on as the ship sank.
MODEL UPDATE | How would the UK vote if the election was held today?

LAB: 441 MPs (+241)
CON: 96 (-276)
LDEM: 66 (+58)
SNP: 22 (-26)
PC: 3 (+1)
REF: 2 (+2)
GRN: 1 (-)

via Britain Predicts, 16 Jun.

The most concerning stat there is Reform.
MODEL UPDATE | How would the UK vote if the election was held today?

LAB: 441 MPs (+241)
CON: 96 (-276)
LDEM: 66 (+58)
SNP: 22 (-26)
PC: 3 (+1)
REF: 2 (+2)
GRN: 1 (-)

via Britain Predicts, 16 Jun.

The most concerning stat there is Reform.
Oh I dunno, any left of Labour party is in with a ;)
I watched this yesterday -
- really depressing to see the ignorance/ racism on display. Fertile ground for the far right - fears about immigration whipped up in a place which is not very ethnically diverse. We shouldn't forget how racist society was 30-50 years ago, across both right and left politics, and still is since those attitudes haven't changed amongst those people that are now in their 60s/70s/80s.

Yes, depressing. If you want to destroy any last vestige of faith in people, watch that.
I can't find the source right now but I remember reading that the footprint of a child from a developed country is equivalent to that of something like 6(?) children from a developing nation.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all. Brings into focus western levels of over consumption.
MODEL UPDATE | How would the UK vote if the election was held today?

LAB: 441 MPs (+241)
CON: 96 (-276)
LDEM: 66 (+58)
SNP: 22 (-26)
PC: 3 (+1)
REF: 2 (+2)
GRN: 1 (-)

via Britain Predicts, 16 Jun.

The most concerning stat there is Reform.

They’d be killing it under PR.
But might also make currently uninhabitable regions habitable, according to Farage. He demonstrates an unparalleled grasp of climate science that man. I’d vote for him.
Opportunist Forage is simply thinking ahead after he's elected Prime Minister of Clacton-on-Sea. (Although he may well be presiding over Clacton-Under-Sea before too long, assuming he wins the seat. . .)

With the Rwandan government happy to take The Establishment's pounds, shillings and pence and then objecting to being used as a racist political pawn, Forage will be looking to direct his 'Disposal of Immigrants' mandate to those uninhabitable regions that he will declare habitable. Climate change is just the rationale to justify to his brethren his and their inhumane and bigoted mindset.

this is a most depressing thread without a glimmer of positivity.

And here was simple old me thinking the Tories losing the election was “a good thing”.

How stupid was I?


For some, ideological purity is all and permanent opposition is the price to be paid.

Labour, with a huge majority will create their own internal opposition. Its the way things work.
It should be on both! Relevant to this one as it shows how politicians have been influenced/ bought, and really interesting to see that influence shift (starting on the left, moving right and left again - or not so left!) over the decades. It was really excellent wasn't it.

I watched this yesterday -
- really depressing to see the ignorance/ racism on display. Fertile ground for the far right - fears about immigration whipped up in a place which is not very ethnically diverse. We shouldn't forget how racist society was 30-50 years ago, across both right and left politics, and still is since those attitudes haven't changed amongst those people that are now in their 60s/70s/80s.

What an absolute hellscape. An object lesson in how fascism manages to convince those with nothing themselves to blame others. The billionaires and millionaire of the Tory Party and Reform are all safe to keep their cash.

Interesting to see how little impact Labour are making. They seem irrelevant in this picture. Barely got a mention.

PS I realise it is an entirely stacked midday video and just about everyone interviewed were likely not economically productive. This clearly can’t be the whole demographic. All towns have their share of miserable old racist shits. A farage of pensioners.
For some, ideological purity is all and permanent opposition is the price to be paid.

Labour, with a huge majority will create their own internal opposition. Its the way things work.
Most people in the country want to see an end to Tory government but much of this thread is about whether Labour are really going to do much different when in power - or whether they will also just be a conduit for neoliberal and corrupt interests. I don't think that's 'ideological purity'. It's not really a 'nice to have' to want a government that stands against corruption, abuse of power, human rights atrocities etc.

