
General Election 2024

Yep, that’s the reality. The world is full of tourists. In the best interests of the planet, that would all grind to a halt, but so too would the world economy. Planes, cruise ships, lorries, cars, trains, busses, all a complete environmental disaster, however they’re powered. Just the manufacturing and infrastructure alone is hugely destructive. IMHO the only hope is to control global population levels, but that’s about as likely as people giving up foreign holidays.

A more immediate problem is an ageing electorate and how it will define political narratives moving forward. The older voter doesn't seem that Green friendly.
Voters, understandably, only see what's immediately in-front of them, hence the focus on living costs, the NHS, immigration, etc and they are not in the mood to deal with big, expensive, complicated challenges right now following 2008, Brexit and the pandemic. Much easier to put that outstanding bill in the drawer. This is one of the fundamental problems the Greens face. There are others of course.
It would be understandable if people voted based on what they see in front of them but that is not the case in these (rural midlands) parts: the number of immigrants in our and surrounding villages is miniscule yet people appear to have voted for Brexit by a huge majority and that was about "taking back control of our borders" to stop those damned foreigners coming here. They don't see it around them, they read about it in their newspaper of choice and will no doubt be voting heavily for the Nostalgia Party aka Reform at the GE.
The opposition has to create an alternative agenda over time, it doesn't just appear in front of people at election time!
A more immediate problem is an ageing electorate and how it will define political narratives moving forward. The older voter doesn't seem that Green friendly.
They tend to believe everything they read in the paper also.

One thing we have to look forward to is the declining info of print media, Gen Z just aren’t interested. The flip side is that they get equally biased content via Tik Tok;)
'. . . take 10 years to build a National Care Service'.

Labour just pulling this shit out of their arse. A 'get out of jail free' card for failure to deliver . . . except for their handlers, who sure as hell want to see long-term sizeable returns on their political investment.


An interesting short video on polling, FPTP, vote distribution etc. One interesting point made about just how insane our electoral system is that Starmer may actually achieve a supermajority with a lower actual vote share than Corbyn achieved in 2017. It is all about where the votes are distributed as our system is totally rigged! It certainly looks set to backfire hugely on the Tory elites that defined the structure and boundaries!

That said I’m not convinced this is a done deal yet. I still think the billionaires who own both the Tories and Reform will find some way to buy their way out of trouble to some degree. The whole thing looks like some absurd public school playground fight/ritual with spoilt little pricks jostling for someone else’s toy box. The only reason the political right are being destroyed by Starmer’s Labour Of Nothing is because they have factionalised. There is no perceivable difference between the modern Tory Party and Reform beyond which specific grubby millionaires and billionaires are pulling the strings. The far-right policies, fascist rhetoric, populism, corruption and idiocy is consistent across both. Real Peoples Front Of Judea vs. Judean Peoples Front-grade stuff.

HMRC has failed to fine a single ‘enabler’ of offshore tax fraud in five years

Landmark powers to impose huge fines to tackle tax evasion and avoidance are ‘pointless’, figures show

The snag is that it is one thing to pass a law. It is something else to employ the people to invesigate and persue those who don't comply with the law.

Our 'current' Government have essentially discarded the staff and resources needed to chase tax dodgers and also made it easier to dodge. Austerity, don't ya know!
The snag is that it is one thing to pass a law. It is something else to employ the people to invesigate and persue those who don't comply with the law.

Our 'current' Government have essentially discarded the staff and resources needed to chase tax dodgers and also made it easier to dodge. Austerity, don't ya know!
Even with two staff you put one on Mone and the other on offshore. They've got thousands of staff in reality
One interesting point made about just how insane our electoral system is that Starmer may actually achieve a supermajority with a lower actual vote share than Corbyn achieved in 2017.

There is no such thing as a "supermajority" in UK politics - seems everyone has bought Grant Shapp's soundbite hook, line and sinker.

