
General Election 2024

With the Greens currently polling at 6%, are you suggesting 94% of the UK population is dumb?
When the electorate is polled on what they actually want there tends to be a high level of support for the kinds of policies the Green Party is promoting. I think the question is why that doesn't translate into votes.
When the electorate is polled on what they actually want there tends to be a high level of support for the kinds of policies the Green Party is promoting. I think the question is why that doesn't translate into votes.

Possibly because without reading the manifesto, the perception of their proposal is akin to what @Minio posted.
They actually don’t. I saw a poll yesterday suggesting the majority are very positive to Green Party policies, though annoyingly I can’t find it again (I can never find anything on Twitter again once I’ve scrolled past it!).

Ignore the couple of miserable old Tory boomer shitposters here. They represent the dying generation that destroyed the UK and the global environment, certainly no one younger than 50. They are the politics of the past. A past that needs to die if this planet is to survive.
Yeah but the Green Party will ban meat and force us all to live in yurts and ride tandems.
I just double checked. I can't see them.

Me neither. A bogeyman?
This is what I don't get about the Greens.
Their policies scare the crap out of most people. Yet they seem to think people will vote for them.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get diesel and petrol for their car, and fuel for the trucks that distribute food to people.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get to work.

Who is going to vote for ripping out their central heating because it's incompatible with a heat pump.

The aims are laudable but just don't connect with the masses that are just about managing.
Yup, all those poor people inconvenienced.

Quite a bit of what you ask for could happen under a Labour govt. I reckon closer ties to the EU are a given & some commitments to green energy.

I think the Tories have really pushed the boundaries as to what even the most thick racist will stand with multiple changes of leader.

I could equally be wrong but we have to try & be a bit optimistic.
Can’t see much under Starmer but it’ll be a start, or at least a slowing of Tory vandalism.

Labour have persistently been foolish on electoral reform, having the quaint idea that once in power they might stay there, despite being proven wrong so often throughout my voting lifetime (‘79).
Which large (FTSE) UK company doesn’t pay HMRC what they owe?

A "good" lawyer/accountant would then check carefully the meaning of "owe". 8-]

The point being all the wheezes used to dodge tax. All in the best possible taste... erm, perfectly legal in terms of what others can see, of course. Quckness of the accountant/lawyer baffles brains.

cf Taxtopia, et al.
Yep, that’s the reality. The world is full of tourists. In the best interests of the planet, that would all grind to a halt, but so too would the world economy. Planes, cruise ships, lorries, cars, trains, busses, all a complete environmental disaster, however they’re powered. Just the manufacturing and infrastructure alone is hugely destructive. IMHO the only hope is to control global population levels, but that’s about as likely as people giving up foreign holidays.
Yours is a defeatist attitude. We can't return to the wooden plough. You can't tar all modes of transport with the same brush. Buses, especially electric ones, are a green way of getting about. Even walking has a cost unless you go barefoot. We have to transport food about, nobody is going back to strip farming. Modern life will continue. However the means of doing it has to change.
The "population" thing is a red herring too. Look at the birthrate in the whole develope d world. It's declining. Only in areas with high child mortality is it very high, for obvious reasons. In a number of countries wherr child mortality has been reduced so too has birthrate. This much at least is within the developed world s gift.
This is what I don't get about the Greens.
Their policies scare the crap out of most people. Yet they seem to think people will vote for them.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get diesel and petrol for their car, and fuel for the trucks that distribute food to people.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get to work.

Who is going to vote for ripping out their central heating because it's incompatible with a heat pump.

The aims are laudable but just don't connect with the masses that are just about managing.
I'll probably vote green because as the centrist parties both adopt extremist manifestos in order to hold power, I want that to be drawn from the Green side rather than the Farage side.

The environmental crisis is something like COVID, we can only choose a response. But just like the early days of COVID, people prefer to believe it's just a problem for another country far away from us that maybe won't affect us. They are only going to willingly make sacrifices when they get hit in the pocket, or friends and neighbours start dying.

