
General Election 2024

Only Blair never faced Cameron. Still, facts have always been subservient to your opinions, both equally ignorable.
They faced each other in Parliament and were very similar. Both had almost identical policies when leading their respective parties. It's a good thing because if about 600 MPs are broadly similar, excluding the usual name calling etc, then things move along in an orderly way.

Labour are going to walk it because the electorate like moderate policies and Labour are now very moderate.

This is going to be a very dull election and I can see the public being bored to death by the time the election date is reached.
Of course the best thing about the election is that I won’t have to put up with that Zahawi chappie any more at the monthly personal briefings my MP is obliged to give me at The Towers. He definitely seemed like a bad egg to me. I always made a rule not to leave him alone in the same room as an uncorked bottle of claret. Even if there wasn’t a glass. Especially so, in fact. It would seem he wasn’t in the same league as Mr Profumo, a previous incumbent. Grandpa Marchbanks used to tell me regularly what fine company he and his young lady friends were.
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Any thoughts about why he's chosen now?

I should imagine it's a combination of (a) damage limitation - possibly a worry that the current minor rally of the economy is going to be short-lived and (b) it's not fun being PM and Tory Party leader anymore.
For me, the most telling aspect of Sunak's 'Not waving, but drowning' speech, was his repetition of the endless 'Jam Tomorrow' message which has been trotted out ever since Neoliberalism arose under Thatcher and was entrenched further via Brexit.

You'd think people would have worked it out by now.. The Jam isn't even ordered..much less due for delivery..
As has been pointed out many times a man who can’t even plan to take an umbrella into a rainstorm is the last person alive to criticise anyone else for not having a plan for anything.

Sunak getting pissed on outside of No.10 to the sound of Things Can Only Get Better blasting out is one of the defining moments in UK political history. Steve Brey deserves a knighthood. Absolute genius move.
t is awful now and will be awful whoever wins. Rishi Sunak, a man with a billionaire wife and who doesn't need to work, but who seems to delight in attacking the poor and disabled, against Keir Starmer, a Labour millionaire whose judgement is, at best, questionable. Is this really the best this country can do?
It's like choosing between which severe chronic illness you would prefer.
Not that dissimilar to the political situation in the States, except inasmuch as there's more polarisation there but the chronic illness tag is apposite but to which, simply add age and infirmity. I've never heard of a pauper politician so the relevant domestic financial situations seem somewhat irrelevant.
Anyone here with student age kids, grandkids, family, friends etc with children of that age need to encourage them to register to vote and get their ID sorted now. They do not have much time.

Be in zero doubt; the Tories do not want this demographic voting. As such it is the duty of all decent people to help and encourage young folk to get past all the arbitrary gerrymandering and vote-rigging hurdles so cynically placed in their path.
Sunak is rumoured to be landing in Aberdeen today or tomorrow. Looking forward to his Four Seasons Landscaping moment with his local host
As usual, he'll be standing in Scotland, but addressing his audience in England. Teach them Whining Jocks a few home truths.
Sunak started his campaign in Wales at the Vale of Glamorgan Brewery today.
Apparently, he asked if anyone was looking forward to the football at the Euros this summer.
Wales did not qualify🙄.
It's like choosing between which severe chronic illness you would prefer.
And yet, people seem uninterested in any Proportional Representation system for Westminster elections. Why?
"Because FPTP delivers strong government" ?
It certainly delivers government "strong" enough to change the meaning of actual words (e.g. "Dangerous" into "Safe"), to prorogue parliament, to crush the civil and human rights of it's population, to steal with impunity, to rule without responsibility or humanity, to treat minorities as sub-human. etc etc...

Strong government is over-rated.
This is just a bagatelle. They’re going to get very very dirty the closer July 4th comes. It’s what they do.

I presume that a number of bills will now fail as there will only be a few days to do “wash-up” for legislation. Fingers crossed that the Post Office (Horizon Systems) Offences Bill and the Victims and Prisoners Bill make it. Otherwise all the sub postmasters and victims of the blood scandal will be screwed again by Sunak and the government.

