
Gas and Elec cost in the UK

I am a believer in the law of unintended consequences. However, I strongly believe transparent simple pricing would push down costs, not push them up. However, I will try to let my mind be changed if someone can explain well why they should go up.

It would go down for someone who is currently paying the top tariff, ie someone on pre paid meters, but for most of us on direct debit, it would go up.

The industry wants everyone on DD so as to lower costs and hence prices.
I don't get bills anymore. All done via the website and that's not really making things clear

I'm with EDF dual fuel and if you register you can view your bills on line. I have mine in front of me now. My gas price has recently increased from 3.665p to 4.042p per KW.

During the coldest 6 months Sep 12 to Mar 13 we were charged £442 for gas so the next 6 months bill will be much cheaper. This is for a 5 bed detached house but we are in the relatively mild South East.

BTW we are paying less than their own websites estimate!


It would go down for someone who is currently paying the top tariff, ie someone on pre paid meters, but for most of us on direct debit, it would go up.

The industry wants everyone on DD so as to lower costs and hence prices.

Mick, how can you be so old and so naive simultaneously?
Mick, how can you be so old and so naive simultaneously?


This is the sort of idiocy that drives me nuts, sheer bone headed stupidity.

I am just calling it quits, I have better things to do with my time than deal with these morons.

I will let someone else take over but this sort of rubbish from people like Arthur is reducing the standard of discussion.

Over and out.


This is the sort of idiocy that drives me nuts, sheer bone headed stupidity.

I am just calling it quits, I have better things to do with my time than deal with these morons.

I will let someone else take over but this sort of rubbish from people like Arthur is reducing the standard of discussion.

Over and out.


For a grown up Mick you really are an odd, flouncy, panty buncher.
No you can't and no it's not. The comparison sites use estimates because not even you know what your usage will be in the next year.

When I stop at a petrol station I don't need to use a calculator or guestimate how far I will be driving.

I recently changed provider by going through a comparison site - there was an option for estimated usage and an option for actual usage in order to make the comparisons. I had the actual figures from the bills. Simple job, took all of fifteen/twenty minutes and an annual saving of some £300 to £400.
I recently changed provider by going through a comparison site - there was an option for estimated usage and an option for actual usage in order to make the comparisons. I had the actual figures from the bills. Simple job, took all of fifteen/twenty minutes and an annual saving of some £300 to £400.
Definitely the comparison sites are the only sensible option at the moment.

Should we need them though? It's not like insurance where each person is a different risk that must be assessed. It's just gas and electricity down a pipe or wire!

Usage fluctuates enough every year, easily enough to mean the tariff and supplier you chose might not really be the best in the coming year.

But I shouldn't have to come up with points in defense of transparent pricing ... the question is how can opaque pricing be justified?

I wouldn't even mind if the prices changed daily but only as long as consumers are allowed to switch suppliers daily ... what's good for the goose etc.
It would go down for someone who is currently paying the top tariff, ie someone on pre paid meters, but for most of us on direct debit, it would go up.

The industry wants everyone on DD so as to lower costs and increase profits.

Fixt :)
If everyone just published their cost per unit we'd all rush to the the next co would have to lower their rates so we rush to them. This is how to lower prices. Keeping tariffs secret is how the companies stop this and fix prices because they all secretly agree scales between them and just publish headline prices within a band to get some to switch to them. It all sucks because we all pay massively over the top! It was cheaper when it was nationalised because there were no shareholders and profits were used to build new power stations, fix the grid etc. Energy, water etc should not be privatised for those reasons. Maybe way too simplistic but it's how I see it with my tiny brain :(
Nothing i have a roof mounted solar system , they pay me for 25years
went from a nett importer of energy to a nett exporter of energy

the sun never sends you a bill
My Eon dual fuel direct debit has just increased from £76 / mth to £118 / mth! Cheers Eon I thought you were supposed to manage my account effectively!

