
Gary Lineker vs. BBC

Another superb analysis from James O’Brein. Real nail on head stuff.

PS In case anyone missed it on the Starmer thread. Suck Here actually abstained on Braverman’s truly vile human rights and international law-breaching ‘Illegal Immigration Bill’. That is where the leader of the UK opposition resides.
If I felt I could contend with a non-English speaking country I’d include Japan, the real art/counterculture areas of Germany, plus Norway, Sweden, & Holland too. I’d like the cycling culture of the latter. I’m sure there are other locations too.

Japan would be a problem, but you could totally get away with only speaking English in Kreuzberg (the particularly art/counterculture part of Berlin) and absolutely without issue in Norway, Sweden and almost certainly Holland.
I like Germany, culturally it's similar to Britain and the similar Nordics, Scandi, etc. I've never met a Dutch person who I didn't like, and having worked with a number of Danes I find them like the edited highlights of the Brits. I.I'm sure that there are some disagreeable ones, but the ones that make it to the UK make Brits look like uneducated, illiberal boors.
Ah yes. Like the Brits one runs into do to Americans.
Gary Lineker’s treatment exposes fact that image of warm, fuzzy BBC was always a lie
Jonathan Liew

"Take Reith himself, for example: a man who has become synonymous with the noble benevolence of public service broadcasting. Reith was a fascist sympathiser. He spoke with open admiration of the rise of Mussolini in Italy. After the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, he wrote: “I really admire the way Hitler has cleaned up what looked like an incipient revolt,” which – to borrow a phrase – is language not entirely dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 1930s."

Probably why Hitler believed for a while that the UK would come across to his side and that an invasion was unnecessary. Perhaps he was just 90 years too early...
I like Germany, culturally it's similar to Britain and the similar Nordics, Scandi, etc. I've never met a Dutch person who I didn't like, and having worked with a number of Danes I find them like the edited highlights of the Brits. I.I'm sure that there are some disagreeable ones, but the ones that make it to the UK make Brits look like uneducated, illiberal boors.
Currently living and working in UK, France and Germany, I think France is culturally closer. The way the Germans structure systems (not engineering ones) and the way they then follow these systems without really challenging them makes me think they are a million miles from Brits. Anyone thinking it would be a cool place to live need only try and get past the paperwork they create and enforce on you. Most of it is illogical.

Let's then talk about the humour. And the style (outside of architecture and Porsches).
Tories Unchained Season 13, episode 4562: GB News, and in particular retired tabloid pukefountain Kelvin Mackenzie, now appear to advocating violence towards refugees (Twitter).

I’m half tempted to link to some of the meathead thugs this messaging is reaching, but I just don’t want the content anywhere near my website. There is a ton of ‘sink the boats, let them drown’ type content and we should be in zero doubt that the spark for it is coming directly from No. 10 Downing St. They are merely repeating the sentiment of Braverman’s chants.
If I felt I could contend with a non-English speaking country I’d include Japan

Pretty easy to live in Tokyo with minimal Japanese. Obviously the more language you have the more you get out of it but it's not a dealbreaker - you can learn enough in a fortnight or so to do the basics like feed yourself, use public transport and buy records ;-)

Though Japanese politics can be pretty weird too. We used to regularly get the wackjob ultranationalist right-wing groups driving their sound trucks round our neighbourhood. Sometimes it can be quite nice not to understand the language very well!

Pretty easy to live in Tokyo with minimal Japanese. Obviously the more language you have the more you get out of it but it's not a dealbreaker - you can learn enough in a fortnight or so to do the basics like feed yourself, use public transport and buy records ;-)

Though Japanese politics can be pretty weird too. We used to regularly get the wackjob ultranationalist right-wing groups driving their sound trucks round our neighbourhood. Sometimes it can be quite nice not to understand the language very well!


Is yellow / purple the preferred colour scheme for all right-wing nationalist nutjob parties?

The demonising of refugees as “illegal” has its echoes in the darkest areas of history. It is also a direct breach of international law.
Pretty easy to live in Tokyo with minimal Japanese. Obviously the more language you have the more you get out of it but it's not a dealbreaker - you can learn enough in a fortnight or so to do the basics like feed yourself, use public transport and buy records ;-)

Though Japanese politics can be pretty weird too. We used to regularly get the wackjob ultranationalist right-wing groups driving their sound trucks round our neighbourhood. Sometimes it can be quite nice not to understand the language very well!

Funny. Normally Type 2 VW buses are full of loved up hippies who just want everyone to get along, man, and not right wing nut jobs.
This is another interesting take on impartiality questioning the legality of the situation we increasingly have where serving Tory MPs working as presenters are “interviewing” other Tory MPs or Tory ministers on GB News (Twitter). This looks to be a clear breach of Ofcom rules. It certainly should be as that is in no way an impartial scenario. It is banana republic-grade propaganda and can’t possibly be viewed as anything else.
Here’s a perfect example of the above where Jacob Rees Mogg, a GB News employee as well as a multi-millionaire asset manager and serving Tory MP, is interviewing Tory MP Robert Genrick on GB News (Twitter).

This stinks. It is simply not the way any credible news media works.
And to state the bleedin obvious, as you say, GB News is not credible news media. People commenting on GB News 'investors' taking a haircut miss the point. It's no more about getting a financial return than Russia Today or Press TV. They're all just propaganda outlets for nasty repressive regimes.
What I can't understand is other media outlets reporting what's being said on GB news. Why are you validating their content and publicising them? Without that, it would just be an echo chamber. Similarly why was there a clip of Yaxley-Lennon saying something on BBC news earlier?

