
FOPP in trouble

It is a shame. I liked the leftfield stuff, picked up Sun Ra vinyl reissues reasonably priced at Shaftsbury Ave and was pleased when one opened in Guildford. Bought more books than anything else there.

Yeah, tough on the staff, but they were mostly young, and hopefully, will soon do something much more fullfilling than working for an incompetently managed retail chain that expanded too quick.

Can't see what the HMV takeover will do for them. The attraction was that it was not HMV.

Back to Chiswick for the books and Amazon for the CDs.
I walked past the newish Shop in St Andrews the other day and notice that the unit is now empty and all the stock had been removed. The shop had only been open a few months, I'm still smarting at this loss.
Fopp seemed to carry stock that the other high street music outlets just don't seem to touch. I know eveythng is available online and probably cheaper but you just can't beat physically flicking through racks...

