
FOPP in trouble

Fopp haven't sold vinyl in ages... (Well not the ones I've been in) and those that did had their stock eroded massively.
I bought 3 or 4 albums from the Nottingham brach quite some time ago but they were so badly warped (as in unplayable warped) I have never returned.
The Tottenham Court Road branch used to have a reasonably well-stocked vinyl section and I never had any problems with the quality.

I was over there last Friday for the first time in ages and was gutted to find they closed for the stock-take. Still it saved me a few quid, but it's a shame that they're having problems.
That's a massive shame :(

I buy lots of music (both vinyl and CD) as well as books from my local branch. I really hope they work it out...

Bugger, this wil be a real loss if they go down. The new branch in St Andrews only opened last year and is really handy for me. Luckily there is a Cashpoint next door :).
I bought 3 or 4 albums from the Nottingham brach quite some time ago but they were so badly warped (as in unplayable warped) I have never returned.

They never really had any worthwhile vinyl when I was in there, but I suppose they are competing against Selectadisc. It'll be a shame if they go, good value CDs by the hand full.
Truro Cornwall Branch now closed for business.
Went in yesterday sans cash was returning today to snap up whos next and stooges vinyl, missed the boat.
Fingers crossed they sort themselves out.

I read a thing a while back that credited the original Glasgow shop as being partly responsible for the thriving music scene there. Argument was that a generation of hip young things had dirt cheap back catalogue to learn from for the first time.
Our Fopp in WGC (which is a Music Zone) was all closed up today...things don't look good...I have brought quite a lot of Jazz from their £5 sections and it will be dischuffing if they turn up toes.

Fopp is no more.

I think it's a bit rich blaming downloads, since the basic Fopp idea was a firm and popular one. Its undoing seems to have to have been too much expansion too quickly. A thriving cake slice on Shaftsbury Avenue made perfect sense, that enormous gooey pudding on Tottenham Court Road didn't.

All the same, I'll miss it. Back to Sister Ray, I suppose.
Ahhh Nooooo !

This thread actually prompted me to shoot down into town to see if my branch was open, bugger it was closed. What a tragedy.

I went in there last Sat with my £10 gift voucher off my daughter ( fathers day) and just £10 of my own with a view to getting somthing and was so overwhelmed by the choice that I ended up walking out with nothing and having another go on Sunday :) .

The thing that i liked about Fopp was that they had such a good selection of back catalogue stuff from bands that often didn't ever feature in other High street retailers ( HMV, Virgin, Wooies, WH Smiths, etc) . Looks like I'm going to be internet only from now on and I did so like to browse real tangable goods....

my Sympathies to the staff.
Jeez...not holding enough £ to pay the staff ....a sure sign of piss poor management.
Popped into our local Music Zone on Wednesday (the one that was located even closer had recently shut down) and was told that it was cash only as the credit card system was on the blink.

Makes sense now.
Bugger! Fopp was my music shop of choice in Bath. I felt *dirty* if I had to go into HMV and don't relish the thought of having to do it again :(

Anyway, I hope they somehow sort themselves out and re-open.
Who gets the old stock? Where and when will it be sold off?

Funny you should mention that but i was thinking exactly the same when I pressed my nose up against the window this afty, the lights weren't on and there was nobody home, just racks and racks of good CD's with £5 price stickers on them...

