
Football: Women's world cup 2023

Beaten by the better side but shame about the last half hour of the game - very little football played.
Ref not strong enough - looked out of her depth.
The Spain team may have had some of the better play and in periods were the better team but the Ref and VAR allowed them to achieve without justified punishment for fouls etc
Sadly the woman's game is heading in a bad way to be similar to the men's!
The Spain team may have had some of the better play and in periods were the better team but the Ref and VAR allowed them to achieve without justified punishment for fouls etc
Sadly the woman's game is heading in a bad way to be similar to the men's!

I agree about the ref getting a grip and the cynicism creeping in, but for long periods Spain just looked like they had more players on the pitch and each of them happy to retain it. England always chasing and struggling to retain. The usual sign of being outplayed.
Devastated…had Spain 2-0 in the bookies…:mad:. England played as they played all tournament, just like the men, 8 defenders in their own half…waste of some very good players.Outplayed in 2 previous games. Red lights should have been flashing. They only really started to play with 15 mins left.Too late, Spain had too much for them.Spain owned the midfield and that’s why they won. :cool:
Spain DID play better and deserved the win, congrats to them. Our formation in the first half was wrong, Spain just played straight through our midfield..

Then sadly the ref was awful. A couple of decisions were wrong - she went to her pocket for her card re the kicking the ball away off pitch and then changed her mind to avoid the backlash… and that wasn’t the only thing she swept aside.
Sadly yes, the Spaniards had better ball control, lot more speed and passing skills. England we’re shut down and couldn’t play there game.
Lauren James should have been sent on in the 1st half…
Sadly yes, the Spaniards had better ball control, lot more speed and passing skills. England we’re shut down and couldn’t play there game.
Lauren James should have been sent on in the 1st half…
Yes, basic skills seem to be lacking in the England team. Work needed.

Still can't get over the irony that the winner was the team that the Japanese annihilated.
Hopefully in the future the TV distribution will improve. There was no legal way to watch any of the games in KL
Spain were the better team and scored with a quality finish. England didn’t get the rub of the refereeing decisions but overall can’t complain.

Cheers BB
Pleased that my favourites, the Nadeshiko, came away with something - Miyazawa won the Golden Boot, with the same number of goals that the legendary Sawa scored when she won the award in 2011.
Pleased that my favourites, the Nadeshiko, came away with something - Miyazawa won the Golden Boot, with the same number of goals that the legendary Sawa scored when she won the award in 2011.
Yes, I think England got the easier side of the path to the finals


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