

I’ll go for the Tivel swap with you. It’s been a good discovery evening between yourself, @Tony L and others. Thanks. Off with the streamer and on with The Question on CD; back on solids, as I like to think of it.
Here's another female artist of a similar vein... Meg Hutchinson with her latest album
and here's one of her older albums
Ooh I like disposable camera. Fine guitar on this, not acoustic though. I assume the highlight (radio friendly) song no.2 on the album, but wish to be proven wrong.

Thanks for the Anna Tivel recommendation folks. Can't stop playing her 'Blue World' album over the past few days. Beautiful stuff and excellent recording quality too.
Out today. Bonny Light Horseman - 'Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free'.

Still one of the best live bands I've ever seen.

Just catching the couple of pre-release tracks available from Jake Xerxes Fussell's forthcoming album 'When I'm Called', which is out on July 12th. Lovely stuff.

