
Expensive CD transport vs cheap DVD player

I've got a couple of cheap DVD players up the loft that I must get around to trying out in my system - one is a reasonably decent Pioneer one (a DV-535) that got pretty good reviews back in the day, and the other is a very cheap no-name sort of one (although I'll need to check and see if that one has a digital output). It'll be interesting to see how they sound via my DAC but I'd be surprised if the Pioneer at least doesn't sound reasonably decent.

I have tried a couple of better DVD players in my system (both universal players that I use because they support SACD - one an Arcam and the other a Sony) and those sound very decent and there wouldn't be much to choose between them and the Audiolab transport that's normally in that system.
How a transport and a DAC performs with each interface depends on the implementation. USB is potentially better.

The rest is about personal preference. Some people enjoy certain types of distortion whilst many are influenced by price, reviews and stuff they’ve read that is not written by engineers .
I've only tried USB on one of my DAC's (a Simaudio one) and with that the USB was noticeably poorer than the other connections. It's getting on a bit now though, so I expect more recent DACs probably have a better implementation of USB. It's not really a major factor for me though as not many of my sources support USB anyway.
I've found a significant difference between CD transports in to the same DAC. Same effect with various DACs. Was genuinely surprised at first, being in a sort of assumed 1s and 0s only mindset. Ah well :)
it's 1s and 0s plus human hearing which is both physical (soundwaves in the ear) and cognitive (brain processes the sound).
Using a Qutest I found an Allo DigiOne Sig with Shanti PSU to be clearly (but subtly) better than the streaming stage of a SuperUniti. The SPDIF interface with bnc terminations was used in both cases.

The Allo is also clearly better than my Macbook Pro which was connected via USB. Clearly and not at all subtly.

In all cases the listening was via Tidal.

It annoys me that digital is not the same even across very competent products (even when source material and cables are the same) but there it is, I’ll just have to live with being annoyed.

I also find it incongruous that when comparing the Qutest with the RME ADI FS-2 it was near impossible to tell them apart. Despite having both digital and analogue stages they were more similar than pure digital products.

As an aside , I chose the Qutest primarily because others have to use it to switch from audio system to TV when I’m not around. Try that on the RME ! o_O
Of all the digital front ends I’ve owned/borrowed the two that stand out as excellent vfm/sq are the Allo DigiOne Sig BNC and various psu options (Nirvana/Battery/Shanti), I was less convinced by the USB, I had the combined Digi and USB Sigs in one case and preferred the Digi bar a margin, the Allo kit does get a bit messy with the boxes/cables though, the other front ends I enjoyed greatly were the various Auralic Aries models, the Mini punches far above the rrp cost implies.

I also had the Qutest and RME here in a direct head to head, I had different priorities and only me using it, the RME stayed put and the Qutest sold on. Agree that they sound very similar, even the various filters only made subtle differences. The law of diminishing returns kicks in way earlier with digital compared to TTs/Carts/Stages. I ended up moving to a unit that combines streaming and dac in one box, if I didn’t need analogue in for my TTs it‘d also be used as a preamp too.

I’ve found that there are differences playing CDs via different transport/dac combos. I’ve settled on an Oppo 205 these days as I rarely spin physical media preferring to rip everything, only if impatient do I play the disk rather than wait for it to be ripped. Transport wise the Meridian 500 and Teac VRDS were very good units in their day.
I purchased a new Pro-ject RS2 T a few months back and I’m enjoying it immensely. It’s silver btw. Can’t be bothered to engage and discuss here anymore so get your specs and theoretical digital malarkey and crack on with who’s Willy is the biggest…
Of course one disadvantage with a standalone player is you can’t spend £500+ on a coax cable.
plus linear psu, upgraded mains cable, ungraded dc cable from psu to transport, cable lifter, ceramic cones to support transport...
I purchased a new Pro-ject RS2 T a few months back and I’m enjoying it immensely. It’s silver btw. Can’t be bothered to engage and discuss here anymore so get your specs and theoretical digital malarkey and crack on with who’s Willy is the biggest…
I’ve been struggling with jitter in my Willy for years 🤣
Any recommendations for a region free dvd player?

Alternatively, I have a very cheap dvd player. Are there any devices that would clean up its HDMI output before it gets to my AV receiver?
I used to have an Orelle CD10 CD transport & matching DAC. The transport had a spike underneath that raised and suspended the drive when you set the player down. A few years ago, when Steve S1 of this parish was round at mine, out of curiosity we wired up my old Oppo DVD/SACD player to see how it sounded in comparison. Surprise! The Oppo sounded considerably better than the Orelle.

I've still got that Oppo player, and the other two subsequent Oppo players (BluRay & 4K BluRay) and although I seldom play CDs, they all make a really good fist of playing them.
Oppo pulling out of the market was one of my bigger disappointments. I still have a 103 and sold the 203 because the market was irresistible. Should have bought a 105 or 205 and have done with it.

PS looks like Bodhi has gone, to test the waters at ASR perhaps.

