
European Parliament elections

Maybe, possibly, just guessing, but could that be down to campaigning for remain. I know that suggestion might seem totally off the wall, but I'm prepared to stick my neck out sometimes!

Gosh, really! Having a straightforward and understandable anti-Brexit stance is useful? Surely having a leadership at odds with the rest of the party and fence sitting with no clear message is better?
There are no agreed terms that can be put to another referendum.

There could easily be.

If May agrees to a confirmatory vote and if Labour then votes to pass her deal, the terms would be remain or May's deal.

i.e. remain or leave on the only terms that are available.

I said there were no agreed terms and you said "crap". So what are the agreed terms that a second referendum would be based on?
Well, you don't define agreed by whom, and Mrs ff1d1l agree, seriously, no deal v Mays deal v remain is talked about a lot - to the extent that you could call it the agreed default. As there is no agreed leave position, it seems those are the two which must be accommodated. Personally, as I've said on here before, I'd like remain to similarly have two positions - remain as pre the ref, and remain where legal sanctions are applied to those who have broken the law, or cost the country due to lies, incompetence or financial crime since the referendum. I'm realistic I may not get this. Just as leavers have to be realistic and may get a straight choice between remain and leave with no deal.
No agreed terms? Not finally - but they'd have to be one of these options. So hardly an unattainable as you infer.
As for you talking crap, I remember way back when, when rescinding A50 was first being talked about, it was the Cav Legal Pronouncement that this was categorically not possible. Not just once or twice but repeatedly reiterated. No, can't be done. Totally illegal. A good few times I pointed out this was not the case. If you're going to hand down the commandments from on high, you should at least bother to inform yourself first.

That turned out kinda brown too, didn't it? Yeah, I know we haven't rescinded A50 yet, but there is no legal barrier to doing so, until we leave.
In 2017, I thought Article 50 could not be revoked. In 2018, having researched it more, I determined that it could.
Am I smelling embarrassment, self-justification and the first indications of a reverse ferret? A Caroline Lucas Remain victory might be acceptable but an Umunna one not? The politicians who drank Farage’s bath water then bottled it and sold it hard to the public (that includes plenty in Labour) are going to face their day of reckoning when the Brexit shit pile comes down around their ears. The public needs to see the fruit of the labour’s and get the chance to vote on it. We need to see every word of it.
There should not be a second EU referendum, but IF this should happen the options need to be "leave on WTO terms" or "leave on whatever deal is agreed by parliament."

There has been a referendum on leave / remain and the majority result was in favour of leave.
There should not be a second EU referendum, but IF this should happen the options need to be "leave on WTO terms" or "leave on whatever deal is agreed by parliament."

There has been a referendum on leave / remain and the majority result was in favour of leave.
So what did Leave mean in 2016? Did it mean Leave with a deal, or Leave with no deal?
It meant all the benefits of club membership but with none of the club rules or fees. It was the greatest political lie in in half a century, perhaps with the exception of ‘Saddam Hussein could strike Britain within 45 minutes with weapons of mass destruction’. It’s why the public need a vote again, now that the lie has been exposed.
It meant leave with no idea what next.
IF this should happen the options need to be "leave on WTO terms" or "leave on whatever deal is agreed by parliament."

Ha yes very funny, shot or stabbed. Nice choice. How about Leave on whatever deal we finally present v Remain. Which should have been the original question, of course. Rather than allow the fantasists to present Leave as anything you want it to be.

No way should the UK be dragged out of the EU without the specifics agreed by the public.
Ha yes very funny, shot or stabbed. Nice choice. How about Leave on whatever deal we finally present v Remain. Which should have been the original question, of course. Rather than allow the fantasists to present Leave as anything you want it to be.

No way should the UK be dragged out of the EU without the specifics agreed by the public.
Whatever Deal vs Remain.


Fantasy vs Reality

