
Ear plugs for festivals and gigs?


pfm Member
Hi All,

I'm hoping for some first hand experience/recommendations please of good quality, comfortable, but still great sounding (although quieter) ear plugs for festival and gigs? Also, not costing a million squids if possible please!

We're off to a festival soon and I'd like to tame down the sound a bit without losing too much sound quality, and without having discomfort. Additionally, my son would benefit as otherwise I expect he will get a headache and we'll end up missing some of the performances.

I've done some looking online and there is a dizzying array of options... All have numerous "the best thing since sliced bread" type reviews, so it's hard to determine which ones are actually any good.

What ones do you use and would you recommend them?

Thanks in advance!
Apple AirPods. That’s what I use in noisy environments. They will also reduce music level quite a lot if desired. I was amazed at the sound quality those little things can deliver.
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I bought little Etymotic joobies for about twenty quid. Went to a metal gig and they were perfect. They take about 16dB off the noise level I think.
Do it properly and get some moulded ones from somewhere like ACS. You can get them done at some larger opticians branches and I think Boots can do them.

You’ll pay less than what most here would consider a bargain for a bit of hifi kit, they’re way better than foam things, they’ll last years, and your hearing is important.
I am using Alpine MusicSafe plugs, very good (comfortable and good enough sound quality).
Usually the medium level attenuation is enough.

This is what I use as well, along with V-Moda Faders but I'm not sure if the V-Modas still available. Have also used DUBS Acoustic Filters which are also very effective but not quite as comfortable/stable a fit in my ears. Previously used Etymotic ER20 but didn't find them comfortable (too long).
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With the caveat that, as ToTo Man says above, comfort is a very personal thing, I’ve been a happy ER20 user for years. It’s a lovely thing to cone out of a gig free of the curse of tinnitus and be able to hear music properly on the way home. They’re like a personal volume control, with the added bonus of seemingly reducing (although sadly not eliminating) the impact of that baffling breed of concertgoer who wants to TALK VERY LOUDLY over a band playing at a venue-filling volume.

I’ve just ordered these after I lost one of my ER20s on the way out of a Pet Shop Boys gig earlier this week; they look very similar to the ER20s.

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these are great... worked well with a F35 this last week !!!

I've used folded up tissue paper for years. You can make it as tight or lose as you like. Doesn't screw up the balance of the sound too badly.
these are great... worked well with a F35 this last week !!!

If the F35 has an engine then it doesn't seem to be an identical application with similar requirements.

Unlike other protection, dedicated ear plugs for musicians attenuate the sound pressure level without a significant impacting the tonal balance.
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.

I think I'll get us all a pair of the Alpine Music Safe Pro earplugs. I like that they have variable attenuation so my son can adjust the quietness to some extent.

I hadn't actually seen these in my googling but several of you use them so I'll give them a try.

Thanks All!
Do it properly and get some moulded ones from somewhere like ACS.
I tried the cheap DJ type for years but as my tinitus got worse I decided to get a custom made pair from ACS last year. Very comfortable and well worth the money.
I got myself some Earsonics Earpads when I was at the Audio Fest. Testing at home and they do seem to work pretty good while keeping the sound intact.
Another vote for custom made. Don't f*** around with your hearing, you only get one set of ears. I got mine before I suffered hearing loss but after I got tinnitus. I would happily have paid fifty times the price if I could have got them before the tinnitus and prevented it.
I am using Alpine MusicSafe plugs, very good (comfortable and good enough sound quality).
Usually the medium level attenuation is enough.

I use these - with the maximum level attenuation.

I also use these when playing in bands (when we are not using IEM's for foldback). They work well standing right next to a loud drummer.

The only time I found they were not sufficient was when I stood right in front of the PA wall of speakers in a room holding 1000 people. I simply moved further back in the room and they worked fine.
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