

Cages are good, puppy learns cage is quiet time/sleep and safe place and a home place -- a kennel within a kennel. People often look at cages and go oh my gawd, but its common in the USA although sometimes over used. After a year the doors can be removed until the dog dies of old age.

Mullardman's points are weird, firstly he rants about dog poo in his garden and cat poo on his doorstep (which has nothing to do with child deaths to dogs) and then attacks posters telling him this is perhaps not something to worry about, perhaps more pressing things are better.... and says "this is a thread about the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year" and when people point out its a pifflingly small amount, lower than actually statistically predictable in a population his response seems to be, "yes but lets worry about the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year", and the loop begins... but there are none, its cooked up by the media, its statistically negligible, you might as well worry about being hit by space debris, or drowning in a floatation tank or perhaps something that is statistically relevant, We are then treated to "just read what I am saying, there is a worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year" and I'm sitting here stumped... how do you progress from that position?

I don't mind people saying I hate dogs because... because that is an opinion and, like assholes, everyone has one, but I have done a bit of homework on this and checked with national statistics and child dog maul deaths are on the decrease, not the increase... So Mullardman is barking up the wrong tree (arf!). It's newspapers making up stuff and he, like newspaper readers (who are intellectually lazy and don't like checking primary and secondary citations) are gullibly lapping it all up... Primnary and Secondary sources are the first point of call, basic research 101.

"But but this is a three bout the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year!"

In short: no there isn't so we can talk about other doggy related issues, people can find another carrier for myopic canine bigotry and not dress it up in the clothes of fake statistics.

Bub's pet crow sounds cool, they make the weirdest sounds.

Just keep on misquoting me Fox. You won't be alone.

Today's news. Liverpool woman found dead
Mauled by own dog. Not that it matters.
Good grief.


In other news, I "crate trained" my dog. She's a pit bull / Dutch shepherd mix and as such can tend to be a little anxious, often feeling like she has to protect the home.

The crate (cage) helped calm her down. She used it for a year or so & now no longer needs it. We actually dismantled it entirely a few months back.

Without the crate (cage) training, she would have been a pretty stressed out dog, so I'd recommend it for this specific purpose.
Cages are good, puppy learns cage is quiet time/sleep and safe place and a home place -- a kennel within a kennel. People often look at cages and go oh my gawd, but its common in the USA although sometimes over used. After a year the doors can be removed until the dog dies of old age.

I have no view on cages.

Mullardman's points are weird, firstly he rants about dog poo in his garden and cat poo on his doorstep

The reverse I think. And a valid rant. Why should I put up with other people's dog's shit in my garden?
In fact, why should I also put up with the damage to the visual amenity of my local area caused by bright red Dog Shit Bins.. on poles... installed by the local council? How stupid is that? I mean.. you'd still have to bag up the shit and carry it to the bin. Responsible owners were already taking it home. Irresponsible owners couldn't give a ****.. or just leave a plastic bag hanging from a tree. Nice.

(which has nothing to do with child deaths to dogs) and then attacks posters telling him this is perhaps not something to worry about, perhaps more pressing things are better

Attacks? Who have I attacked? Do I have no right of reply?

.... and says "this is a thread about the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year"

Didn't say that. Simply said it's a 'Dog' thread. Never mentioned 'worrying rise' I simply pointed out that the thread is about dogs.. so diverting by saying there are more deaths from whatever else.. is a red herring. It's a Dog thread. Dog attacks are therefore a valid point for discussion.

and when people point out its a pifflingly small amount, lower than actually statistically predictable in a population his response seems to be, "yes but lets worry about the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year", and the loop begins... but there are none, its cooked up by the media, its statistically negligible, you might as well worry about being hit by space debris, or drowning in a floatation tank or perhaps something that is statistically relevant, We are then treated to "just read what I am saying, there is a worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year" and I'm sitting here stumped... how do you progress from that position?

Start here: To paraphrase Hancock, 'It might just a be a small amount to you mate.. but it's life and death to some poor devil'.

Or.. as one of my uni lecturers pointed out.. I may only have a 0.0000001% chance of dying in a plane crash, but if I die in a plane crash.. I am 100% dead.

Repeat. Never mentioned 'worrying rise'. You sure you've read what I wrote?

Let me just say that one more time. I have not, at any point, stated that there is a 'worrying rise in dog maul deaths per year'

I don't mind people saying I hate dogs because... because that is an opinion and, like assholes, everyone has one, but I have done a bit of homework on this and checked with national statistics and child dog maul deaths are on the decrease, not the increase... So Mullardman is barking up the wrong tree (arf!). It's newspapers making up stuff and he, like newspaper readers (who are intellectually lazy and don't like checking primary and secondary citations) are gullibly lapping it all up... Primnary and Secondary sources are the first point of call, basic research 101.

But I'm not going to say I hate dogs.. because I don't hate dogs. I just hate the fact that some of their behaviours, including killing the odd child, are not really within my comfort zone. Whether this is down to owners or not really isn't the point. One death per year is unacceptable and all of your wriggling and misquoting doesn't change that. Why don't you just admit that people being killed by dogs is somewhat outside the general remit of pets and agree that it is unacceptable?

"But but this is a three bout the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year!"

Third (I think) time you've made that up. I did not say that. REPEAT: I DID NOT SAY THAT. Takes a lot to make me shout Fox. Do a bit of readiing.. please.

In short: no there isn't so we can talk about other doggy related issues, people can find another carrier for myopic canine bigotry and not dress it up in the clothes of fake statistics.

No fake stats here. I quoted a loose figure which nobody but you has challenged and others have quoted higher.

It really is rather rich of you to try to shoot me down on evidence, when you can't even quote correctly from a very accessible source. I.E. My posts in this thread.

But. I think I get your message.

Dogs are all nice and cuddly wuddly. They don't shit, don't bark, don't cause any kind of nuisance to anybody and anybody who says they do is just a bigot.

And they only kill people a bit...


Over and out.


Maybe I should add. 'Until correctly quoted' ? :)
"This is the "worrying about dog mauling thread", to quote your own words. It Isn't. Check the OP, it's about dogs' habits.

Would you mind starting your own thread about dog mauling and not troll on this one? Thanks
Hi Mull, as you have said yourself you are a neurotic. I have learned speaking to neurotics is not a good use of my time and I accept you are in the right and wish you all the best in your neurotic concern..
"This is the "worrying about dog mauling thread", to quote your own words. It Isn't. Check the OP, it's about dogs' habits.

Would you mind starting your own thread about dog mauling and not troll on this one? Thanks

Hey, the thread title is "Dogs".

Dogs occassionally maul & kill people, so discussing it is a perfectly valid topic for the thread, IMHO.

Not a very interesting one, or a particularly important one, but valid, nonetheless.

Have a look at the first post. This thread is about dogs eating their own vomit and other fun habits. The whole dog mauling thing was entirely Mull's, so he should start his own thread and leave us to debate things like ball licking, arse sniffing, and the other things our bosom buddies do.
"This is the "worrying about dog mauling thread", to quote your own words.

Accurate quote. (For a change) but taken out of context.

It Isn't. Check the OP, it's about dogs' habits.

I didn't see any definition in the OP. And where do Crows come into it . (Or is it Rooks?)

Would you mind starting your own thread about dog mauling and not troll on this one? Thanks

I wouldn't mind, but it isn't necessary. And I am not trolling. Please explain how dogs throwing up, eating shit etc., are valid discussion topcs for a thread entitled 'Dogs', but barking, shitting in the wrong place, and mauling people to death are not.
From my PERSONAL experience, it is becoming more and more common that Dog owners are replicating those awful low life parents who think it is their God given right to have a Dog/Child but refuse completely to accept any responsibility for it's behavior. Twas never thus.

Oops, looks like a troll post, not intended, just my view on Dogs and owners.
I wouldn't mind, but it isn't necessary. And I am not trolling. Please explain how dogs throwing up, eating shit etc., are valid discussion topcs for a thread entitled 'Dogs', but barking, shitting in the wrong place, and mauling people to death are not.

This is quite simple to do.

Look, here's the OP's first opening salvo:

So i'm sat in a cottage in Devon enjoying the fine weather, and the dog of the friends we are staying with has just noisily chucked up his dinner, and then immediately eaten what came up.

Is this normal? If so, please remind me why people keep dogs?

Thus, the conversation is defined. We will be covering the following topics:

  • Dogs
  • Puke


Now, if the OP had started the thread as follows:

So i'm sat in a cottage in Devon enjoying the fine weather, and the dog of the friends we are staying with has ATTACKED, MAULED AND KILLED EVERYONE AND TAKEN A SHIT ON THE GARDEN LAWN.

Is this normal? If so, please remind me why people keep dogs?

Then of course your continued trolling about incontinent, blood thirsty dogs mauling children would be perfectly acceptable.
So unbelievably dull!

Here's another splendid snap of a little chunk:


This makes me wonder: how dangerous is it to be mauled by a single piranha?
Hi Mull, as you have said yourself you are a neurotic. I have learned speaking to neurotics is not a good use of my time and I accept you are in the right and wish you all the best in your neurotic concern..

:) Another misquote I'm afraid. I didn't say I was 'a neurotic'. I said I was 'more neurotic than you' and then only in jest. But if you find conversing with me a little trying, feel free to desist.


