

Good idea - I'll start:


There's a brilliant Farside cartoon about dogs playing poker and why one player's poker face was so ineffective.
Nope. Just quoted it.

Whereas Avole misrepresented what I said in #170.

You could say I'm like a dog with a bone....
Where are we with dogs?

I actually like them though have been attacked once by an Alsatian and also pinned to my seat by a Doberman, forearms on my shoulders, teeth in my face; not very nice.

That said I grew up with Boxers, the best of dogs.

The work the Police dogs do and the Labs for the blind, that is amazing.
Holy shit.

Someone has been misrepresented on a thread about dogs on an internet forum about hifi.

Is there a hotline, or something?
'Remember chaps'.... 'Whatever happens... we are dog lovers and therefore beyond criticism'.. 'Don't let the death of the odd innocent victim shake your faith...'
Haha, no I don't, but I do love them, even this sick gobbling mutt ;-)

Actually, he's not a mutt, he's a border terrier, and in serious need of having his coat pulled at the moment so he looks like a bee.

Here he is on the beach yesterday, with a bit of crab leg he's found to chew on.

You should get him into the Annual Terrier Race in Frogham in the New Forest on the Bank Holiday weekend. It's been a while since anyone caught and ate the "rabbit"
Cages are good, puppy learns cage is quiet time/sleep and safe place and a home place -- a kennel within a kennel. People often look at cages and go oh my gawd, but its common in the USA although sometimes over used. After a year the doors can be removed until the dog dies of old age.

Mullardman's points are weird, firstly he rants about dog poo in his garden and cat poo on his doorstep (which has nothing to do with child deaths to dogs) and then attacks posters telling him this is perhaps not something to worry about, perhaps more pressing things are better.... and says "this is a thread about the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year" and when people point out its a pifflingly small amount, lower than actually statistically predictable in a population his response seems to be, "yes but lets worry about the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year", and the loop begins... but there are none, its cooked up by the media, its statistically negligible, you might as well worry about being hit by space debris, or drowning in a floatation tank or perhaps something that is statistically relevant, We are then treated to "just read what I am saying, there is a worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year" and I'm sitting here stumped... how do you progress from that position?

I don't mind people saying I hate dogs because... because that is an opinion and, like assholes, everyone has one, but I have done a bit of homework on this and checked with national statistics and child dog maul deaths are on the decrease, not the increase... So Mullardman is barking up the wrong tree (arf!). It's newspapers making up stuff and he, like newspaper readers (who are intellectually lazy and don't like checking primary and secondary citations) are gullibly lapping it all up... Primnary and Secondary sources are the first point of call, basic research 101.

"But but this is a three bout the worrying rise in dog maul deaths a year!"

In short: no there isn't so we can talk about other doggy related issues, people can find another carrier for myopic canine bigotry and not dress it up in the clothes of fake statistics.

Bub's pet crow sounds cool, they make the weirdest sounds.

