
Dilemma: Klipsch Cornwall IV vs Tannoy Kensington SE

Mike, you're in the honeymoon phase, it'll soon wear off and you'll be hearing niggles and mentally compiling a list of compromises that need addressing. Normal service will be resumed ;)
Perhaps, but I don't tend to suffer from that affliction for long before objectivity rears its ugly head--usually not more than a day or three. Also, I have 10 systems in my house, so lots of reference points.

Yet it's been there weeks now, and my extreme wonder and satisfaction has not dissipated in the least.
Deep down you know I'm right.

I can just leave stuff alone, some can't. It's why I've ended up with a simpler set up where I don't have to fret about whether the amp can drive the speakers or is a good match.
I hear what you're saying, and I certainly appreciate new stimulation. However, my changes tend to be driven by pain points, and currently the only pain point I have in that system is tube anxiety. :rolleyes:

I also have a bunch of other systems, and many DIY projects for them (pre amp, power amp, speakers, power bars, in-ceiling speakers, etc.) That will likely bleed off my need for change. 👍
I hear what you're saying, and I certainly appreciate new stimulation. However, my changes tend to be driven by pain points, and currently the only pain point I have in that system is tube anxiety. :rolleyes:

I also have a bunch of other systems, and many DIY projects for them (pre amp, power amp, speakers, power bars, in-ceiling speakers, etc.) That will likely bleed off my need for change. 👍
I just have one system & a few smart speakers. Ideally I want to simplify further but in no hurry.
I just have one system & a few smart speakers. Ideally I want to simplify further but in no hurry.
My problem is that I'm stupidly picky, and there are very few smart/Bluetooth speakers that I find bearable. I also like music in most rooms, so I have about 10 systems throughout my house. Yes, I have a disease! :D

Your Klipsch Cornwall experience is very much like my experience with Tannoy GRFs. It isn't just that the Tannoys sounded better on the end of a valve amp than a solid state one (that was a given for me), it was that with the right valve amp they were sublime. OK, I tried only two valve amps — an Anthem Integrated 1 and a Manley Stingray — so I have no idea if there's some magic valve amp I should try, perhaps a Leben 300 or Leak Stereo 20.

But here I am, 15 years later, still playing records, CDs and SACDs through a Stingray into GRFs with no urge to upgrade.

"most rooms", "10 systems", how many rooms do you have?? 😲
  • Family room
  • Office
  • Home theatre
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom x 3
  • Garage
  • Whole house in-ceiling speakers - installed by the prior owner and used only for Christmas carols when decorating the tree in the living room, which doesn't have it's own system. :D
I guess that only 9. :rolleyes:
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Valve anxiety might be addressed via the Leben cs300xs etc. Assuming you don’t chase after NOS types I would expect that the replacement cost of the EL84 it uses would be hugely less than a set for the Cary. On that basis, if you were really fretting, you could simply refresh them more often (though not too often!).

As ever, it’s important to try a unit in situ to make sure other benefits aren’t lost.

I have a Leben cs300X and it’s a pretty punchy little amp. It’s best used with high efficiency speakers but I guess you have that easily covered with the Cornwalls. I tried it with Forte III in a demo a few years ago. Didn’t quite suit me because the combo seemed to be lacking “delicacy”. We all hear different things though.
Valve anxiety might be addressed via the Leben cs300xs etc. Assuming you don’t chase after NOS types I would expect that the replacement cost of the EL84 it uses would be hugely less than a set for the Cary. On that basis, if you were really fretting, you could simply refresh them more often (though not too often!).

As ever, it’s important to try a unit in situ to make sure other benefits aren’t lost.

I have a Leben cs300X and it’s a pretty punchy little amp. It’s best used with high efficiency speakers but I guess you have that easily covered with the Cornwalls. I tried it with Forte III in a demo a few years ago. Didn’t quite suit me because the combo seemed to be lacking “delicacy”. We all hear different things though.
I'll keep my eye open.

As for delicacy, I find that my system is definitely delicate, if the music is that way. If the music is raucous, then it follows suit. There's no holding it back! 👍

You could add a Manley Stingray to the list if you want to go down the 4 x EL84 per side, but you're happy with what you have.

Just put a record on your turntable, feet up on the ottoman, and enjoy.


You could add a Manley Stingray to the list if you want to go down the 4 x EL84 per side, but you're happy with what you have.

Just put a record on your turntable, feet up on the ottoman, and enjoy.

I don't know tubes very well yet. I assume an EL84 is better than the EL34 in the output section of the PrimaLuna.

Btw, the seller of the PL commented that it would have done much better if it had KT150s in it, like the Cary. That would be a very expensive batch of tubes. There are 8 output tubes in the PL, and only four of those in the Cary.

Even 15 years in I consider myself a complete tube noob. All I can say is that given a choice between an Electro-Harmonix input tube or a NOS Mullard input tube, I'll take the duck. Problem is that the ducks are getting harder and harder to find and, as you'd expect, more and more expensive.

I don't know tubes very well yet. I assume an EL84 is better than the EL34 in the output section of the PrimaLuna.

Not necessarily better, just smaller.

Although EL84 amps tend to have a certain "sweetness" that larger amps can't quite manage. Kind of a gross generalization, since so much depends on the implementation, but for existing retail products it tends to ring true.

Even 15 years in I consider myself a complete tube noob. All I can say is that given a choice between an Electro-Harmonix input tube or a NOS Mullard input tube, I'll take the duck. Problem is that the ducks are getting harder and harder to find and, as you'd expect, more and more expensive.

I've heard good things about the Mullards, although I'm not sure that I would like what they bring. The most quoted benefit is in midrange, but I also hear comments about less bass control, which would be a negative for me.

I was very impressed by the improvement brought about by changing the EH input tubes (one hissing) with EH gold. I'm not sure what that tells me.

