
Did anyone see the Starlink satellites last night?

I missed it, my daughter 8 miles away saw it clearly at 22:17 when she texted me, it flew past the ISS .... bugger
I think I saw it, heading SW to S and disappearing off into the distance, on a different bearing to the ISS which I somehow missed.
...the ISS which I somehow missed.
Wow, I don’t know how you managed that. For several minutes it was the brightest object in the sky here apart from the moon, and I don’t think you are very far from The Towers.

I completely failed to spot the Tesla thing, but then I was looking out for a string of satellites across the sky. I get confused easily.
Not sure either to be honest. I've seen the ISS plenty of times and yep, it's not easy to miss. As I went out the US one was already halfway across the sky, so maybe just timing.
The docking was truly amazing to watch - from about an hour out, all the testing, then docking.
To think humans can achieve that, yet so much other stuff kicks off down below.

