
Combined DAC/Pre

I had a DAC1 then a DAC2. .. the DAC2 is nicer, sweeter, less clinical. But the Hugo TT I now have is wonderful, extraordinarily good, much, much better than either of the Benchmarks. Connects me much closer to the music, in a very satisfying way.
To all that have recommended the Benchmark DAC2 HGC

I had the original Benchmark DAC. It lasted two months in my system. It was "too harsh" for my personal tastes - how does this version differ?



I had borrowed a Benchmark DAC1 previously to try in my system and, although I enjoyed it for a while, it was somewhat bright and I tired of listening to it day in, day out.

The DAC2 HGC is an entirely different proposition in my view. It suffers none of the brightness and glare that I found in the DAC1 and I have enjoyed using it week in, week out for over 2 years now. It presents more detail than the DAC2 but in a much more subtle fashion, which suits me very much.

(I'm sure products like the Chord Hugo TT are even better - but the £££s got too much for me at that point!).


I use a Naim V1 in a second system, into my DIY Voyager dual-mono amp.It's a lovely little thing with a very high quality sound about it, extra good since Naim recently issued a firmware upgrade. Beautifully made of course, and the headphone amp's not shabby. I've seen a few s/h ones around recently.
Really would like to have balanced outputs though
How about a dspeaker antimode. I just picked up a S/H one here for £375. It has anlog input (albeit with adc), dac and balanced outs. It also happens to do drc and selectable eq. AFAIKT the dac is pretty good, although the drc will do more to improve most systems (if used correctly) than the best dac in the world. In any event, even ignoring all that digital tweaking stuff, it would do the job. wven at full price it's not particularly expensive.
I had a similar logic process, but didn't need any analogue inputs. Ended up with a Meridian 861v4. It's an AV processor, but therefore by default, can also happily act as a stereo dac and pre-amp. Get the right internal cards (there's a number of variations that can be chosen) and you also get balanced.

I've dem'd my unit against several dacs including a Nad M51, Linn Akurate DS and it was better than those in stereo mode. Then you can add in that with an add on box, it can happily deal with the HDMI inputs for BD audio, SACD (via PCM conversion) and also be a rather good av processor.
By default it includes room correction, for frequencies under 250hz.

Last year, I added in an ID40 card, which allows direct streaming from my PC running Roon. In short, it's the best sounding digital source I've heard, and is mega flexible. Sure, it isn't cheap, but neither is what you presently have. They can be had s/h for around £3k, depending upon what's in it.

The only caveats I'd say is that:
- It won't sound like a Naim front end. If you want that style of presentation, this is the wrong route. It's lovely and smooth, not artificially boppy
- It digitises the analogue inputs. Sure, it does it at 24bit, so it's very benign. However it's there and if you do want a non-digitised pre-amp for your vinyl, it's probably not the optimum route.
I am using the Oppo HA-1 as a DAC/preamp and am very very happy with how good it sounds into Event Opal active speakers. It has two analogue inputs in addition to USB, AES/EBU, Toslink, Spdif and Bluetooth
I'm very interested in the HA1, do you use the analogue input and if so what preamp were you using before the HA1 and how does it compare?
As others have pointed out:

Either a fancy DAC of your choice (possibly with analogue in options)
Any good pre with a DAC.

Depends on what your sound preferences are. And your budget.

I have McIntosh C48 pre which has a very good DAC in it (yet no DSD if that has taken your fancy). McIntosh C52 and C47 have DSD capabilities. The C48 also has very good MM and MC inputs if you have a need for those.

I suggest: check your options and go listen to what takes your fancy. If udecide: audition at home if possible. Good luck!
Mytek Brooklyn is very versatile, and according to some users on the ComputerAudiophile thread is supposed to have an excellent analogue-in/phono stage.
Anyone try to put akurate dsm in place of naim nac82 with nap250 annd sbls.I use nac82hicaps,linn numerik/karik...just to many boxes.I dont want to loose in sound quality for confror but if that sounds better I will be more than happy to have my living room back from naim.Unfortunatelly our linn dealer is out of bussines so try it your self is not possible.
Mytek Brooklyn is very versatile, and according to some users on the ComputerAudiophile thread is supposed to have an excellent analogue-in/phono stage.

I'll have one delivered to me in the next couple of days.

Apparently it benefits a lot from a external linear PSU that I am also pondering to buy.

No MQA enabled in the current firmware but it shouldn't take long.

According to some its phono preamp is quite good indeed. As I'm not into vinyl it's something that will not matter to me now.

I shall share my first impressions next WE probably starting a new thread.

Here's the link to the one at Computer Audiophile:
I'll have one delivered to me in the next couple of days.

I will be very interested to hear your impressions. What will it be replacing?

Apparently it benefits a lot from a external linear PSU that I am also pondering to buy.

Yes have read that also. If I were to get one I'd be tempted to pair it with an HDPlex LPSU.

No MQA enabled in the current firmware but it shouldn't take long.

Personally I don't care much for MQA, but it's nice to be future-proof.

According to some its phono preamp is quite good indeed. As I'm not into vinyl it's something that will not matter to me now.

Same here, but always nice to have the option.

I think it's certainly one of the more interesting of the new generation of DACs. My only issue is the lack of USB HID volume control, which appears to be lacking on a bunch of new DAC/Pres (e.g. Ayre Codex also). I realise many won't care but I'd find it hard to live without. Michal the designer once indicated it wouldn't be that hard to add via firmware, but since then I've heard nothing, although I keep asking on the CA thread.
It will replace an Audiolab 8200CD that will be used just as a CD transport.

I am considering a Qualiaphysic linear PSU.
Do you know any HDplex reviews or references?

I think MQA can be important to improve streaming services SQ. The test done with Tidal was quite successful apparently. I hope it will be a reality in a not too distant future.
What's spec PS does it need?

Its internal PSU is 12v 3.5 A

But Michal (the designer) recommends an external linear PSU with at least 7A.

I just read the HDPlex specs and in the linked test report the output at 12v is rated at just 3A so perhaps it's not really suitable. This is contradictory with what's stated in the specs...:confused:

