
ChatGPT, the latest conversational chatbot from OpenAI

So is ChatGPT one source - in which case its plagiarism or is it millions of sources - in which case it’s research?

multiple unquoted or referenced sources which is only half the problem. It isn't plagiarism it is cheating, a bit like contract cheating from an essay mill without having to pay
A long time ago I read a book called The Philosophy of Everyday Things and I believe it had the concept of “knowledge in the head and knowledge in the world” . With google etc you no longer need so much knowledge in the head so education became about interpretation of knowledge and demonstrating understanding. Now though ChatGPT etc give us opinion and summary so where to for education and learning. Especially since every student and teacher has access to this facility so how do teachers stretch students and how do students differentiate themselves. Or am I asking outdated questions?
The input is lots of documents, mainly from the Internet. Possibly more of these documents will become generated by AI, and fewer of them by human experts, it will be interesting to see how this works.
The input is lots of documents, mainly from the Internet. Possibly more of these documents will become generated by AI, and fewer of them by human experts, it will be interesting to see how this works.

Yes i can see the lines blurring between what's real and whats been generated and no one knowing the difference. What happens when it works out humans are crap?
At the AI visual end, Mid Journey et al, trawls existing images to make it's AI images, the issue is that much of the imagery it uses is copyrighted, it will be interesting to see how that pans out. The way it interprets well known artist styles is fairly remarkable.
Yes i can see the lines blurring between what's real and whats been generated and no one knowing the difference. What happens when it works out humans are crap?

"You don't take over the world with gaudy displays of violence. Real control is surgical. Invisible. It interferes only when necessary. No one will question Samaritan (an artificial super intelligence) because no one will ever know when it has acted. Samaritan has watched this world for a year. It settled on a list of corrections. Corrections that were long overdue. Most of humanity is docile, pliant. It's only ever a few hundred people who create all of the problems. Samaritan has identified them: The disruptors, the outliers who have problem with authority. And then there's the disloyal, the grit in the gears. Thank you for leading us directly to them, we couldn't have done it without you, Control. Men have gazed at the stars for millennia, and wondered whether there was a deity up there silently directing their fates. Today, for the first time, they'll be right, and the world will be... an undeniably better place."

John Greer, Person Of Interest
We could of course be in a simulation anyway, and now a simulation inside another simulation, how do you know what existence is? When I look at nature it seems to have lots of visual ways to save energy when your observing and lots of ways to say energy when your not, a bit like a simulation, perhaps I should ask chat bot the answer, but what if it knows that I know and then it knows it's a simulation living within another simulation, I don't want to confuse it or be the grit in the gears.
OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has released a free tool to detect text that been generated by ChatGPT.

It's not 100% reliable and certain input criteria need to be met, but if teachers, lecturers and professors are worried they now have a tool to detect cheater, cheater, AI usin' mouthbreathers. I still say that grammatically correct sentences devoid of spelling mistakes would be the giveaway that AI generated a student's submission for a course but, hey, free AI detection tool.

I think the AI text stuff is the least of our worries to be honest.

How long before we don't even know what we're watching is real?

Chat GTP is now integrated into Bing!

… with the caveat that you need to set Bing as your default browser…

Damn you Microsoft!!
A few years later...


ChatGPT appears to be more of a statistically driven engine than that of AI. I've had a play with it and it appears to work on the relevance of your question or ask of it against other direct relationships of information it found by ingesting the internet. I don't believe that that type of model is classed as AI, more of a know-it-all than a thinker.

I did get it to call itself Dinkum Thinkum, but it didn't understand the relevance, nor of being called Mike.

