
Changing colour and finish of floorstanding speakers

Has anyone tried vinyl spray on paint on speakers. I tested some black matte made by Full Dip, which is used by car tuners for having pink hubs one week and gold ones the next, on my old Sugden A48II to cover the awful brown Nextel mess side cheeks and top. It dries with no blemishes at all even if you have gone back over it to improve coverage. And you can peel it off like sellotape if you don´t like it. have a gander on Youtube.
@TheFlash think the speakers look fantastic, a great job. And that Pioneer gear is gorgeous, I remember being quite smitten with the image of the PD-91 in a catalogue I had back in the 90’s :cool:
Off-topic I know but the PD-91 is probably the outstanding piece in a pretty outstanding stack. Outboard transformer on rubber washers, tightened in transit but loosened in situ? Honeycomb copper chassis? Talk about over-engineered. A wonderfully designed and wonderful sounding player.

