
change afoot......

No :(

The spdif input doesn't seem to lock to the spdif out of the waveio. The minisharc is 3.3v mininimum ttl (5v) and I'm pretty sure the waveio is ttl as well so not sure what is going on. I've got a TP optical converter which I'm pretty sure is ttl as well so I'll give that a try later hopefully. There does seem a lot of folk not able to get a lock, I'm sure some of that is not understanding the various spdif levels but there may be further issues. I'll be getting a warranty exchange if I can't get it to work though.

I'll bolt it together as a dac so I can listen to tune in the meantime though.

Yes I'm also of the opinion WaveIO is TTL on spdif out.
Let the kit warm up for 15 minutes, the clock stabilises following startup.

Is the WaveIO locked to the in coming data stream?
Actually lorien just stated in his long thread that it's .5v p-p

Maybe I could use my old spdif mux to do the level conversion whilst I get sorted?
Well now I am really confused.
I was sure I drove the WaveIO straight onto a Buffalo III and the Buffalo is TTL not consumer level.
Something does not make sense or maybe I forgot something along the way.
Must be that I used a level converter but plainly forgot.
Well that is what I thought to but lorien said that the waveio wouldn't be able to drive the input of the minisharc.

What do I need to build a suitable device to up the level or would I be better getting the converter from TP?
Yeh, I think I'll get that.

PITA really, this should have been i2s but the minisdsp team haven't managed to deliver the long promised firmware updates for slave mode and ASRC i2s input. Slower than Twisted Pear :(

Well I've moved on a little. Got the spdif working and got the i2s lines hooked up to the DACs. I can program filter curves into the DSP and get sound out. So all working. It needs some tidying up and some wiring doing. I also need to figure out a way of mounting the control PCB to the front panel. The lid is nearly on though :)

I've half rejigged the amp box with the extra channels but need to do some wiring and also drill some more hold in the back panel.

Of course the speakers need the crossovers removing and rewiring as well. I'm hoping by the weekend i've got the above done and can then tinker with the speakers. That should give me two weekends to fiddle with the measurements and get it all set up ready for Scalford. Cutting it a bit fine but it's good motivation to get it done and even if it's not received that well at least i've finished the bloody thing!

Just had a beginning to end read of your exploits in this thread.
I am very envious of your development and would like to implement something similar at some distant time in the future.

Along the lines of
WaveIO > I2S > DSP out1 > I2S > Dual mono Buffalo III > SEN > NC400 > Woofer

DSP out2 > I2S > Dual mono Buffalo III > SEN > NC400 > Midrange & Tweeter

Does this configuration make sense?
Will be driving the E-IIIrs and keeping the passive cross over on the tweeter and midrange due to the expense of having six Buffaloes etc.

Alternatively I could have a go at keeping the same Silly DAC and making a conventional active cross over filter, I think James already has the schematic, it would let me go three way active rather then two way.
I would still fancy a stab at the DSP but just for room correction in this latter example.

Well as you'd still need the passive filters on the mid and tweeter you'd not need the DSP as well. As you've discovered recently up in this range there aren't really room modes to correct. I think I'm right in saying that lspCAD (that James uses) can export an iir or fir version of the filter he designed that you could plug right into a DSP filter.

Must say that unless you're actually going to go active fully I can't see the point. You pretty much sorted the bass/room problems already.

Thanks for your input Stefan

Now leaning toward a conventional 3 way active setup, it reduces costs significantly and I could move in two steps by adding just one extra pair of power amps in the first instance then add a third pair in later.

In this case I have the much option of DSP if I feel the urge, but using it as DSP only it is much cheaper than doing DSP & crossover as it saves lots of DACs and a ridiculous amount of super regs.

I will probably start a new thread with my active filter musings, there are lots of variations and I have to consider balanced / single ended.

Well I got everything plugged up last night and music sprang forth from the drivers so it all kind of works. I've still got a problem with my salas shunt regs not regulating for the legatos properly, however John is going to help me get that sorted out on Friday hopefully, that'll give me a couple of weeks to get driver measurements and sort the crossover out properly before Scalford.

This will be my first time messing with linear phase stuff and I'm really looking forward to the results. You lot will get to hear it almost when I do if you come along to the show (room 41)

I'm thinking it might be good to do a few versions of a crossover, an FIR linear phase and time aligned version, an IIR version (with time alignment) and a normal one. I could also do different filter slopes and with/without room correction. Maybe even show folk the measurement process?

Is that all to much? Are folk just coming to listen or are they interested in seeing actual demonstrations? Anyone been before?


Sounds like a great achievement hate to think what a commercial system like this would cost.
All set here for Friday Stefan. We should be able to solve the start up probs on the Legatos and have a listen I hope.

Nice one John. I'm looking forward to hearing the mods you've made to your haker nap since the last visit. Any listening we do to my stuff will be a bit rough and ready as I can't measure the drivers till I've got the shunts sorted out.

I'll text in the next day or so to arrange times etc.

Well almost all working is more like it...

Really looking forward to having something decent to listen to again.
OK, more progress. I went to visit John Luckins, who still doesn't seem fed up with my failures yet, he quickly determined the problem with my legato salas regs was a startup one. Basically they were staring the legtos before the buffalos were fully started and they didn't like it. Problem solved!

I took the rest of my stuff and we were able to have a very rougjt and ready listen to my new active system. I was able to program a simple crossover based on what I already know about the drivers without measuring them and even then it was quite impressive.

Yesterday at home I got some measurements of the drivers and started the long road of implementing some slightly less basic filters. Today I'll get some more measurements and improve things further. Didn't really get to do much listening yesterday but I hooked up the telly box for movie night last night and it sounds pretty good so far.
I was truly impressed with what Stefan has put together here. It is a really versatile one box multi source DAC/preamp and DSP crossover "solution" for two way speakers. Sounded great from the off and it is so versatile that improvements from the tuning it allows will reap continuous improvements up to and beyond Scalford. I'm really looking forward to hearing it again at Scalford.


