
change afoot......


If you want to release a little more space you could do what I did with those R Core transformers and mount them vertically on the side of the case. It has an added advantage as it keeps their windings orthogonal to those of the toroids as you could then lay these flat on the bottom.

Nice to have you over on Wednesday- at long last. I haven't had a chance to get your Hypex plumbed in properly with the transformer balancing yet. Really looking forward to listening to it more. The noise we could hear was not earth currents but a little bit of DC across the output of the SEN which the Hypex doesn't like. The (external) transformer balancing will remove that - I promise I won't lay a finger on the insides of the amp, but I might try to figure out some details of the circuit.

Your Hypex is now the benchmark for my Hackernap improvements. It is going to be hard to match.

I May well put them on the sides, they are only in there to make sure it did all fit! Hopefully I'll get some time to fanny around at the week end. At least get the back panel drilled and connectors in.

Be good to hear your thoughts on the hypex circuits once you have had a poke around. Don't forget to enjoy them as well though :) more being ordered on the 3rd Friday of the month don't forget ;)

Quick question to all of you. When I get the next pair of hypex modules to get active, I'll be buying the amp modules only, not the PSU's to keep costs down for a while. The new modules will have to be powered from the incumbent PSU's. So the question is do you think it would be better using one PSU for both left amps and the other for both right amps, or one for the treble amps and one for the woofers?

My gut is to go for the left right solution, keeping to the monoblock type config which I find normally gives better soundstaging. On the other hand using this config, the higher bass energy may pull the rails down thus effecting the treble amp.......

I can of course try both ways, but wanted your thoughts.

The normal guidance is to put the better supply/amp on the treble drivers but that can't apply here. Therefore as imaging might be better and nothing else will be lost, use one supply for left and one for right. Can't you use these amp boards with linear supplies as well? If so I could knock up a couple of psus, one for each of the treble or bass drivers for temporary use, either with two 500VA Canterbury Transfomers or one 1200VA monster? That might be interesting.

That would be interesting John, As you can see from the case it is all in at your house currently, there isn't really the space! Some folk have been running linear supplies, and indeed that was my original intention, however the best results seem to have come from the SMPS.

That 1200 VA traffo you've got is nearly as big as that case!
Err, yes, good point. As you know cases aren't my strong point. they are normally about the last thing I consider, often when it is too late. There's family safety to consider as well.
Well another little update, managed to find a little more time and have now got all the modules powered in the box after a few false starts.

When I got John to build the Salas shunts for me, a couple of the regs I needed to use for +ve duty were -ve versions. I misunderstood John and assumed he had set them up for -ve duty, however, it turned out I just needed to reverse the polarity of the connectors. For a while I had my very expensive minisharc connected up reverse polarity!!! Luckily there was no damge.

I need to have a little re-configure as one the the legato regs seems to start up slowly, it seems the legato is pulling more current at start up than the specs suggest, which John has observed before as well. This lasts about a minute before everything is settled. I need to adjust one of the current setting resistors to sort this. Also I need to swap out one of my traffos (18v) that is powering the two buffalo 5V regs, It's just burning so much voltage that the heat sinks are at 110 degC. Within tolerance but too hot for my liking :(

Anyone got a decent 2x9V traffo they would like to swap for a 2x18V 1.8 amp one?

Getting there slowly, signal wiring next which I hate doing for some reason, then rescue my amp from John. At that point I'll have a working DAC again with room correction DSP built in. Next, get the other amp, remove the crossover networks form speakers and rebuild them in external boxes (so I don't loose music for so long again)

After that I need to do some drive measurements, build a minimum phase FIR crossover network. From that point It should be real easy to experiment with different crossover points, slopes, etc.

So still a long way to go then.

After that I really am going to put the lid on for a while and listen to some music.

oh and build a turntable / LP12 wenge plinth..........

and a sub......

What's an LP12 wenge plinth? Don't worry your in good company I have 4 hackernaps in various states of build a pair of 3 way semi active speakers part built an active 2 way crossover that's modified every other week, regulator boards for my valve phono ,just ordered a power supply board for my Garrard 401, oh and planning a new valve pre, nearly ordered some buffalo boards but reality finally sank in.Now if John would stop coming up with all these good ideas I would be able to finish something.
Wenge is a type of wood, usually with very wave grain patterns alternating from a very light fudge to a very dark toffee. I've been re-building an lp12 from old bits for a while and am going to treat it to a new hand made plinth in the new year when I have this project out of the way. I've got a few tables, chairs and bowls to make for a few freinds as well, so while I'm making sawdust I'll do it.

Yeah me too, although the DSP is more so I can pull off minimal phase crossovers and have the room to play around a bit. Never hear much of this sort of thing on this forum so it'll be good to add to the collective, although this thread hasn't had that much attention.

although the DSP is more so I can pull off minimal phase crossovers and have the room to play around a bit.


Heehee I have absolutely no idea what your on about :D
Which is quite fun in so much as I have some learning to do.

But would love to learn.
So I could use something like this with my Buffalo and correct for naughty room modes?
Well, yes you could, but the caveat is it's a fixed sample rate, either 48 or 96 kHz. The spdif input has an asrc to help here, but the i2s doesn't until the next firmware..

Most interesting is the ability to phase correct the new speakers when you get them...... I'll lend you my Mic so you can measure them.

When are you getting them? Gareth has gone quiet on his build thread.

Well, yes you could, but the caveat is it's a fixed sample rate, either 48 or 96 kHz. The spdif input has an asrc to help here, but the i2s doesn't until the next firmware..

Most interesting is the ability to phase correct the new speakers when you get them...... I'll lend you my Mic so you can measure them.

When are you getting them? Gareth has gone quiet on his build thread.


Well it's all double dutch to me. :D
The sample rate is probably doable by hacking the SOX in my LSM custom convert.

No idea what ASRC is, asynchronous real time clock? is that good?

Phase correct the speakers, is this something to do with vaporising the weak hyperspaces to re-routes the quantum charges? :D:D:D:D

Gareth has most probably got busy with work, all in good time.
Meanwhile my Thiels are bust so I moved to some spare Tannoy Revolations which don't cut the mustard but another goodly pinkobodger is going to lend me some Tannoy dual concentrics to get the tunes flowing.

ASRC = Asyncronous Sample Rate Converter.

You got the phase correction thing spot on though!!

never looked into that SOX cust.conv. thing, keep meaning to though!

I'd like to be able to make windows sample convert to my desired sample rate, anyone know how to do this?

Why can't I find the time to get this done? Been without tunes for what seems like an age now!!

I sold some surplus bits so I could get the last set of hypex modules I needed, so got all the hardware apart from a few connectors and bits of cable to get it done. Just need time.

Well I got a little bit further over the last few evenings.

It took me a little while to get the buffaloes working again, one of the tridents had got dodgy connections. Oddly this didn't stop the buffalo working, it made the output of the legatos very distorted and pulled the voltage of the salas regs down to about 5V. The LED's on the regs flashed on and off like a xmas tree as well :( I spent quite a lot of time thinking there must be something wrong with one of the salas boards or one of the legatos. Luckily having two of everything means redundancy and the ability to swap things around while you figure out what works with what. In the end the common denominator was one of the buffs. once I realised I had been looking in the wrong place I very quickly found one of the 3.3V tridents had a dodgy output connection.

After I got music from both of the buffalos I moved on to putting the minisharc into the signal chain. This failed as well!! turned out the the pin numbering scheme was not laid out how I had thought, looking at the manual (which isn't very good) I'd thought the pin numbering was like this

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

but it was actually like this

1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8

So I had my spdif GND connection connected to a clock output - Doh

Just as I got this sorted and connected to one of the buffaloes the battery of my laptop ran out so no music!

But I'm getting there :) Hopefully by the weekend I'll have a DAC at the very least should be able to listen to quality tunes again!! After that It's just fannying around to my hearts content really.

Had another go last night but for some reason no VU activity in the minisharc plugin, there was when I posted the previous post and I'd not moved anything so something not working somewhere :(

