
Can you recommend a decent headphone amp with good vfm..?

tory. Same difference
No, I don’t understand how one makes the leap from conservative to the many definitions out there on fascism, nor why someone would hit the like button, nor why TonyL has an uneven hand on dubious political comments on the forum. I know Portillo has an interesting background was unaware he is a follower of Mussolini doctrine…

On topic for the OP, I have been very happy with my Schiit Magni 3 for my HD600 and AKG702. Small, easy to live with and seems to get into the music well.
No, I don’t understand how one makes the leap from conservative to the many definitions out there on fascism, nor why someone would hit the like button, nor why TonyL has an uneven hand on dubious political comments on the forum. I know Portillo has an interesting background was unaware he is a follower of Mussolini doctrine…

On topic for the OP, I have been very happy with my Schiit Magni 3 for my HD600 and AKG702. Small, easy to live with and seems to get into the music well.

Those who vote tory are guilty of hate crime and lower than vermin. Does that make things clearer?
Torstoi, I know the thread has moved on, but I’ve been thinking about your original post. Like you I’m moving into headphones after years of a speaker only system. I bought sennheiser hd 660s in October.
The headphones don’t outshine my speakers but they give me something different, which I find very useful.
The 660s coupled with an A&K sr 25 produce a very pleasurable sound.
My speaker system is much more extended at either end of the frequency extremes and probably more detailed, but it is easy for it to be less pleasurable.
The 660 system has no ambition to push the boundaries, it has a lovely tonal balance, it portrays different timbres really well, and it has a very smooth and even frequency response top to bottom. It is very intimate.
I tried the 660s with an ifi amp and although the separation and definition of individual instruments improved I found a hardness in the sound that made my ears wince- despite my admiration of the hi fi improvements.
And I’ve found my headphone experience is changing the way I listen to my speakers. I’ve repositioned them to reduce any hardness or exaggeration of frequencies.

Maybe I used to think it was about more bass slam and more treble definition, but now I find it’s about getting rid of glare or hardness or dryness or other sonic artefacts that push me away.
With headphones you really notice your ears wincing- but it happens with speaker systems too, even if you notice it less because they are further away.
So what I’m saying is, headphones might not be better than your speaker system, but I find they give you a different perspective, hopefully a really helpful one.

That's an excellent post...thank you !
Basicly reading a lot of posts, also from older headphone related PFM threads, I have decided to not rush things
and give my cans time to show what they can do & slowly learn about advantages that are not obvious
within a few days from first 'contact'.
Reading between the lines I should give it a bit of time to learn what I like and what not so much.
Is it a general consensus with Sennheisers that the higher numbers are the better phones ?
What I like about the HD540s is that they do not make anything wrong that annoys me,
as I am rather quickly nerved by too much bass boom or nasty hard-ish treble feel,
so they feel rather balanced.
If- up to now- less 'hifi' than my speakers.
I think they feel more neutral or balanced than my previous DT880s.
So I can imagine I will stay with Sennheiser and may look a bit further up at some point.
Ideas for further models, also from other brands, especially from users who had some Sennheiser before,
would also be interesting..

Let's not get too deep into politics, guys..each to their own and so on..
Thanks again & have a nice day ! :)
Torstoi, try PEQ on your headphones, if you like what it does find the most neutral amp you can as a baseline and go from there. No need to spend more than low triple digits.
Since this thread began I have bought an Njc headphone amp. Their service is immaculate, the amp is a beautiful thing. It’s only been in situ for a couple of days so it’s too early to say much, but my initial reaction is unbridled enthusiasm.
It is very smooth and has an ease and scale to the sound that allows the music to live in a larger, very quiet space-Seemingly without any hardness or distortion. Really impressed so far.
Torstoi, try PEQ on your headphones, if you like what it does find the most neutral amp you can as a baseline and go from there. No need to spend more than low triple digits.
Thank you Simon, that's a -to me- unusual and therefor interesting suggestion..
Any particular model you could recommend ?

p.s...and I take the opportunity to kindly ask again to stay clear of political content,
it's about headphones, headphone amps and at the minimum hifi-related here.
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I tried using my OPPO 2 headphones with my MacBook, my SONY ES CD player and my SONY ES amp and none of them drove the headphones properly. I bought a used Burson HD160 off eBay and the difference is huge, so much better with the Burson.

