
Can the Linn Trampolin 2 be detrimental in some circumstances or merely superfluous?

Give all the negative opinions on the Trampolinn 2, one must wonder why Linn sells the bottom of the line Majik turntable with a solid baseboard but the top of the line Klimax turntable with the Trampolinn 2???
and some swear by the Stacks option.
I do, the day I added the Alto baseboard to my LP12 the bass improved considerably in speed and weight, making everything else fall into place nicely. Right now I'm using the Soprano baseboard along with the Platform and couldn't be happier. Unfortunately Stack seems to have moved away from LP12 parts.
There’s something wrong, it should be staggeringly better.

Diminishing returns, different interpretations of ‘staggering’ and old ears all apply. Also, I am not a great tester (apart from anything else, I disappear into the music readily, which stops me hearing the hi-fi per se).

My comment probably also reflects that the Stiletto is definitely better in ways that you don’t stop noticing (if you see what I mean), but my old LP12 is still a great-sounding turntable too.

As an upgrade, going full Stiletto is imho bigger than the new bearing or swapping Krystal for Kleos or which Ekos you have. However, to me it is not vastly bigger than going from Lingo to Radikal (and swapping bearings).

To put it another way, swapping my Naim 82 preamp with Linto for a Naim 52 with Superline was at least as big an upgrade as the Stiletto. Swapping my old Naim 250 for the (definitely better) Naim 300DR was not.

I prefer my Stiletto LP12 to a current Klimax LP12, but that difference is pretty small too - both play pretty much what is on the vinyl, and part of any SQ difference that I have noticed probably reflects my Naim phono stage and Lyra cartridge versus the Linn items. Furthermore, to the extent that I can actually notice real and consistent differences, the 2 LP12s are more like each other aurally than either is like (say) £20k+ of Brinkmann or Vertere source.

Finally, having heard those Brinkmann and Vertere options, I doubt that I would take either over my Stiletto. However, if I wasn’t paying, I might well pick either of those rivals over my old Lingo’d and non-Stiletto LP12.

All imho only, obviously.
I do, the day I added the Alto baseboard to my LP12 the bass improved considerably in speed and weight, making everything else fall into place nicely. Right now I'm using the Soprano baseboard along with the Platform and couldn't be happier. Unfortunately Stack seems to have moved away from LP12 parts.
I can only agree. Although it wasn’t what I eventually picked, I did talk to Theo at some length. He was patient, friendly, enthusiastic and helpful, and explanations for about product design seemed to me to make good sense. Mind you, I have not studied engineering of any sort since 1985, so the “to me” bit is very relevant.

In any event, if he is not getting enough demand from all the LP12 owners to justify continuing production, that seems rather sad.
I asked the Linn rep and he mentioned "we get more out of the LP12-50 with these (Ansuz Darkz Feet)". The LP12-50 sat on a fairly expensive rack on a concrete floor, footfalls were not a concern. Bottom line is Linn themselves don't seem to be convinced the Trampolin is the 100% solution.
Count them out at £800/foot! Also the Trampolin has to be used to mount the Urika.
A wall-mount shelf - where possible - is best for the LP12, for footfall and just about everything else. I used to use one, myself.

But a wall-mount shelf still requires the LP12 vibration "drain" design to be working optimally - if best playback sound is to be achieved.

IMHO. this still means getting rid of compliant feet and compliant supports beneath the plinth.
My LP12 was utterly transformed for the better when I changed its support from a light-weight Target wall shelf to a Mana Shelf decades ago. But when I moved to my new house, which has a poured concrete floor (carpeted of course), I preferred my LP12 atop a 5-Tier Mana Stand than the Shelf. My LP12 is run baseless and still has its original rubber feet. I could try something more solid, but I'm so pleased with how it sounds now I really cannot be faffed.
Give all the negative opinions on the Trampolinn 2, one must wonder why Linn sells the bottom of the line Majik turntable with a solid baseboard but the top of the line Klimax turntable with the Trampolinn 2???
Linn will do what they want to do. Many enthusiasts on this thread have discovered cheaper alternative ways to extract more music from their deck than what the Trampolin provides. I haven’t tried a Trampolin 2 but the original one was worse to me. I removed it and it sits in its box. The OP should experiment and do what sounds best for him. Everyone’s situation is different and if they’re happy with their system, that’s the important thing. I’ve been done chasing Linn upgrades long ago.

When I sold LP12’s I understood and demonstrated the importance of having a proper support under the LP12. I would go onto say that it’s a waste to spend any more money on the deck until that is sorted.
All my Sondeks fly over after a jump out from the trampoline. :cool:
After carrying out various tests, I can state that the best material to avoid vibrations, resonances and colorations is nothing. This really is a considerable cost less upgrade … but Linn will never says that! They have to induce new needs to support their sales. You will never see a Sondek without base in an advertising illustration.
You will never see a Sondek without base in an advertising illustration.
You will never see it because it is illegal. It is an electrical good and has to comply with Electrical Regulations......small children and all that stuff.
Regarding the baseboard, whether it is there or not. How the hell would you get fingers to touch anything electrical when there is barely 10mm of gap between the plinth and the support surface during normal use?!!
You will never see it because it is illegal. It is an electrical good and has to comply with Electrical Regulations......small children and all that stuff.
All my Sondeks have an external PSU. In this way, inside the plinth, there isn't the risk of electric shock at all. All the wire are insulated. Many turntables haven't a bottom base and are perfectly legal.
Any live wire with a single fixing above low voltage regs limits counts. So that's all 110v lp12s
It would be sufficient to adequately cover the electrical contacts. For instance as Rega does.


