
Camera Shopping again

I feel so inadequate here! Bit like someone with a 3020 saying its good with a load of NAC52/NAP135 owners talking PRAT......still here goes.

I bought a Nikon D40 with kit 18-55 lens. I can't believe how good it is compared to my Canon Powershot A95 (itself a very good camera).
The D40 takes superb shots in tourist mode and truly exceptional ones in M. Recently bought a F1.8 50mm and its even better.
Anyone wanting to spend £300 to get loads better then a point and shoot, look no further than a D40.

I am not a pro so it works for me!

how much do you want for the hassy?


Ask me again in a few weeks when I've had a chance to use both it and the Mamiya, and decided what I'm going to do. If I sell it you can have it for what I paid for it (£350). It's cosmetically challenged but I put a roll through it today and it works absolutely fine. From the look of the negs, the lens is seriously good.

-- Ian

If you want a 'blad call Barry at Stan Reade's. A while back he said they had a Hassy kit on consignment for peanuts relative to what it sold for new a few years ago.


a medium format SLR camera is difficult to use properly without a tripod. you are also likely to run into mechanical problems with something cheaply engineered--even the bloody hassies have a spotty reputation. the only reason to put up with it all is for the contax glass. otherwise, best to look for a rangefinder style option or a TLR--the minolta autocord is a bargain.

p.s. 1000 FEPs for the first PFMer to purchase a texas leica:


i'm surprised you bought the hasselblad. i didn't think you were into photographing nudes.


p.s. 1000 FEPs for the first PFMer to purchase a texas leica:

The dude, whose girlfriend is pictured here, has two Fuji rangefinders. He also has an Imacon drum scanner.

FEPs ≈ ∞


if you posted a picture of the person/dude in question, i'm sure PFMers would be interested where he stole all that equipment.

btw--one can not have any FEPs without a turntable.

"Image of the actual camera pictured."

Phew!, I'm glad they pointed out that the picture is of the camera in picture.

The upside of that Texas Leica is I could wind on without hitting my forehead.
"Texas Leica" generally refers to Mamiya, and less often Fuji (the Fujis are very good though). The Fuji 6x9 is absolutely HUGE in the flesh.

This means I get 100 FEPs. I also have 2 turntables. Sadly, FEPs are no use to me, but since neither of my turntables is Linn or Rega, and one of them is both Japanese and direct drive, I probably lose them again anyway.

i'm surprised you bought the hasselblad. i didn't think you were into photographing nudes.

Obviously, I'll have to start.

There's a glut of cheap Blad available nowadays, mostly heavily used ex-pro stuff, so it seemed rude not to play with one for a bit. Nice to use, but the shutter sounds like a shotgun in comparison to anything else I have, which takes a bit of getting used to. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks whether I'm going to keep it, you can have first claim on it if you like.

-- Ian
Stupidly just missed a Rolleiflex 3.5F for £200 on eBay by about 5 seconds. Still a bit nervous about what I might be buying however. Dealer prices still seem around the £400-500 mark.

Have you tried that Camera Café place by the British Museum. Mostly it does Nikon and Leica but last time I was in there they hade Rolleiflex, Hasselblad and Mamiya stuff in the window.
Back to the original question....

Cliff, if you want to buy another camera then go for it. I'm sure there are benefits to be had.

However, I'm sure there's plenty MOre situations where YOU are the limiting factor rather than the camera. Perhaps learn to master those you have?
Well thats it done, Amex have approved the expenditure and the new Nikon D3 and Hasselblad H3DII arrive on Thursday.

Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room here -- Cliff has a van load of cameras abundantly over qualified for taking the pictures he wants to take and to even think about buying a D3 for photographic reasons is just prepsosterous. It would be like Cliff saying that his brand new BMW M3 (the one he just bought to replace his Bently Continental) he uses to drop the kids off at school is a little skittish in the corners and so he is buying a McClaren F1.

i can't be sure, but a second, even bigger elephant seems to have just walked into the room.

(unless it's a sad april 1 joke).

I never noticed Matthew's reference to the M3. I had a convertible M3 in Laguna Seca Blue and traded it in for a Land Rover Discovery


