
Camera Shopping again

I don't know about the "Materpiece theatre" but I loved Inspector Morse the first time around (the 80s here so 20 years ago), but it is dated compared to more modern police dramas.


dated in what way? maybe the haircuts, but certainly not quality. the "modern" ones i've seen are absolutely awful... "inspector lynley" and "waking the dead" topping the rubbish.

btw--the tapes are older than i thought (we were only a year behind;-)

btw2--just in case you imagine everyone here knows morse, that's not true. only the 0.0001% who watch PBS: a strangely pinko and elitist public station.

You don't like waking the dead?

Blimey, Trevor Eve is the best actor ever to play a detective IMO.

Eddie Shoestring is the stuff of legend.
A friend of mine picked up a new and unopened Inspector Morse - The Complete Series (33 Disc Box Set) [1987] for 40ukp, quite good when you consider what Amazon are asking.
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cliff. just about every "waking dead" mystery is solved by finding out that someone who appeared relatively normal was really an out-of-control psychopath. that is really bad writing, not to mention completely uninteresting: sort of like the "it was all a dream" ending that leaves you feeling cheated.

the psychological profiling is also a pile of crap. predicting the behaviour of a single individual is about as precise as playing golf blindfolded.

VHS holds a place in my heart. I highly prize my collections of Monkey, Ulysses 31 and Ren and Stimpy.
As we were. Any major functional differences between Rolleiflex 3.5Fs and Rolleicord V/VA/VB cameras?

Rolleiflexes have self-cocking shutters (advancing the film cocks the shutter), whereas Rolleicords are manual cocking. Flexes have a wind crank, Cords a knob advance. Overall build is a bit more solid with Rolleiflexes, but not massively so. Apart from a few minor operational differences (and different lenses), there's not much in it (and manual cocking means it's easy to make deliberate double exposures, as well as the ones that happen by mistake, so that may be a plus for the Cord...)

I bought a beaten up Hasselblad yesterday, something I so don't need. Oh, and a Mamiya 6 today. So that's now four 6x6 cameras, I must be completely mad :) Time to sell some stuff.

-- Ian
The M6 has already been sold (I kept the Leica 50mm and stuck it on a secondhand Bessa R2 instead), the Bronica RF645 will go too. I might sell the Hasselblad as well, I only bought it because I'd given up on ever finding a Mamiya 6 for a decent price, it was sod's law I'd get one on ebay the very next day...

Madness, the whole thing :)

-- Ian
Aye, square is where it's at. Not sure I need quite so many options though (Rollei, Lubitel, Hasselblad, Mamiya...)

The idea was the Rollei plus one other 6x6 with interchangeable lenses for the occasional bit of wide anglery. Didn't quite work out that way :)

-- Ian
Stupidly just missed a Rolleiflex 3.5F for £200 on eBay by about 5 seconds. Still a bit nervous about what I might be buying however. Dealer prices still seem around the £400-500 mark.
I paid about £200 for my 3.5T from here about 18 months ago:

Their website isn't usually at all up to date, might be worth giving them a ring to see if they have anything in stock. They're good guys. This is also a good place to get cheap fixed lens rangefinders from, they usually have a fair few in the shop. They're in Brighton, not far from the North Laines. I might be in Brighton on Saturday, if I am I'll have a look at what they have and let you know if there's anything interesting.

-- Ian
Yes. The plan is to buy a wide as well (a 50mm) and then never buy any more cameras or lenses ever again :)

-- Ian

