
Calling Tony L and other DL 103 fans

Hi, as you may have guessed I am the one who started the thread about Ed at Cheadle,its interesting that every one who uses this denon thinks its fantastic and they call it a "budget MC".
I take it mine will only get better as it beds in. I am currentley about 1/2 way through the 300 albums bought from Lerxxst and re living my youth.
Clive Smith
Originally posted by clive7164
I got my dl 103 from Ian Harrison Hi Fi on 01283 702875. It was £90 all in, delivered to my door. I rang him they were in stock at that time,sent a cheque and it arrived about 5 days later.
I love mine it sounds fab on my garrard 401
Clive Smith
Wow is he still around - I bought a cassette calibration tape from him in the early nineties for my Nakamichi 581Z (which I still have). At that time he and his business were in Repton, Derbyshire and I lived not far off. The 0283 number rings a bell ... LOL that was not supposed to be a pun
Just ordered a 103 based on what I had read about it on the site, and from a Pinkfish members recomendation. I am in the US and they are a little more dear here. $179.

When looking to order I did find a couple of things you 103'ites might find of interest. had a new DL-304 for sale at $299obo. I contacted the seller and he said he had 4 of them (all new) and was taking $275. I have read that these are no longer made... this news might make someone happy. has DL-103 and DL-103R cartridges for sale. I have read little about the R version. As far as I can tell it is the same but for the copper on the coils is of higher quality. The output is slightly lower (not sure why if only change is copper). I took a chance and ordered the R. I am not a previous 103 owner so my feedback on it will not be of much use.

Hope this is of interest.

Originally posted by VTA
I am not a previous 103 owner so my feedback on it will not be of much use
O contrer. I've not seen anything(?) on the DL-103R on pfm. Your thoughts once it's run in would be interesting.

I'm concerned that a very low compliance cart with a very high tracking weight on a spherical tip may not be in the long term interests of ones records.

(Considering getting my old Supex SD900E rebuilt....)

Paul, the info in my denon says that if the record is in good conition and not warped the cart should run at 2.2 I dont think that is over the top,although the 2.8 for warped ones may be getting that way
Clive Smith
Well, after reading all the good things about the denon 103 I've finally purchased a DL-103R.

Anyone recommend suitable hardware for fixing it on to a tonearm?

I followed Adam's (aka VTA) point at They have them in stock at $241 (USD) inc shipping (about £143 GBP exec shipping). Paid via paypal.

So now I'm waiting on the US postal system...two weeks I'd think. I'll open a book on how long it will take if anyone fancies a guess, the prize (a black widow!) a borrow of my extremephono sticky turntable mat!
Hope it comes soon chiily.

I can vouch that they have them in stock, as the day after I ordered mine I was sent a tracking number. That is unless they are sending me a lump of coal....

I am suprized to have found these on a US web site (company is in North America, Boston I believe) when we have so little in the way of Denon cartridges here in US. There is an outfit in Gemany 'Phonosophi' i think that sells the 103 for $85. Might be worth a few interested people who want 103R's to write them and see if they can get them to supply. I am sure this would result in a cheaper future supply of this item for any buyers in Europe.

If someone knows the German outfit that can supply please post, or if there is a UK outlet for 103's at a good price that would also be worth applying pressure to :)

Audiocubes don't hold any stock in the USA.All of their product's come direct from their suppliers.........hence the good prices.
Shame they just put all the Koetsu's up.:(


Thanks for the information regarding Ian Harrison, phoned him, reserved one, sent cheque.


Your question “Anyone recommend suitable hardware for fixing it on to a tonearm?”

This thread was originated to discuss the need (or not) to tighten the mounting screws of a DL103 to excessive levels. Most people have indicated that as the body is plastic, it does not need to tightened to excessive levels.

I asked denon the question.

Good Afternoon

I have purchased a DL103 cartridge. Do you have precise instructions as to how much to tighten the mounting screws. As the cartridge is plastic bodied I am afraid I may over tighten it.



They replied as follows

Dear Sir

Thank you for your e-mail regarding Denon products.

We would recommend that the securing screws on the DL-103 should be tightened just a little more that finger tight.


Product Support


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-----Original Message-----
From: Denon Support [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 22 October 2003 14:03
To: Pro
Subject: FW: Contact form Denon


Thank you for your e-mail regarding Denon products. We would recommend that the securing screws on the DL-103 should be tightened just a little more that finger tight.


BTW I'm experimenting with the tracking weight at present. Started with 2.5 but now down to 2.3 and still sounds great. Anyone had a really goos listen at various weights? I recall the old Linn blurb saying even a difference of .1 gramme is easily audible??


Started with 2.5 but now down to 2.3 and still sounds great. Anyone had a really goos listen at various weights?

I’ve got mine at exactly 2.5g according to the little plastic Ortofon scales; going heavier stuffs the bass up and going lighter seems to loose it a bit in the upper mid with loud cut and slightly worn vinyl. I found VTA surprisingly important given it’s a spherical tip, I’ve got it at a very slight negative (i.e. about 1-2mm down at the arm pillar), down any further makes it a little mushy and ill defined, up any further and it spits a little bit on sibilace. I’ve got anti-skate set just below the ‘click’ on the Zeta which I suspect represents 2g, so probably about 1.7g.

If yours is a new cart I’d run it in at 2.5g for 100-200 hours and then tweak it. I think mine is ‘there’ now so I spent a afternoon last week really nailing the settings – it is sounding really excellent.

When my DL103 arrives I will need to set the tracking force on my Manticore Musician arm. Does anybody know how to move the weight (See photo). I have tried to rotate it and slide it on the tube but it will not move. (Although I have not used my stillsons or slide hammer yet)
Woh! Go easy on the trying to rotate and slide the counter-weight as the bearings are probably going to do better without any unusual forces applied.

I would reccomend taking the arm off the table (and remove cartridge) so you can go about this in a safe maner. Try resting rear of arm on table and then applying downward force (while twisting if this is what design calls for). This will allow you to put a good deal of pressure on part without hurting bearings. BUT first before you do this, it would be best to determin if this does need to be rotated to move or not. No point pushing if it needs twisting.

Sounds as if the arm has a few issues! Maybe a strip down and overhaul is in order. If you are not comfortable doing this I am sure Origin Live or other would be a good start.

The counterweight has 2 rubber O rings like the RB300 one.
They are a pretty tight fit so may take some shifting if it's not been moved for a while.
The bias problem sounds strange.If you look under the wheel there is a spring attached to it.See if you can alter the tension in the spring or is it jammed up in any way.
It's possible the wheel has just got stuck.
If you don't get any joy with it,I would be more than happy to take a look at it for you.......


Thanks for the information. I exerted quite a bit more force on the bias adjusting wheel. It was very stiff at first but after moving it about 20 times it now moves smoothly with far less force required. However, I would not say it moves freely.

I take it that the weight will slide or rotate on the tube. It is held in place by the friction between the tube and O-ring.


Thanks for the advise, I will do as you suggest, I will not try to move the weight until I have removed the arm. I don’t think I have damaged the arm; I did not apply much force in an attempt to rotate it. I tried to slide it by pushing the rear of the arm with my thumbs while pulling the weight with my fingers.

I have just adjusted the suspension on the turntable. I have only had it for nine months, but it has always wobbled like a jelly as opposed to move up and down like piston. It is now moving up and down similar to a piston. The improvement is amazing, the most significant improvement in sound I have ever encountered whilst upgrading my equipment. I am sure the bearings and bias are OK.

