
Bruno Putzeys on 'Real Science'

cobbled together by some cod-nutbar getting funding from Helsinki University handing in an Ikea assembly guide as his/her thesis.

Uh... It is "University of Helsinki". What used to be "Helsinki University of Technology" is a different place (and now called "Aalto University"). So there! :)
Nonsense. You don't have the facts, you just think you do. The manufacturer in question HAS invested those sums in a single resistor design. I didn't say that I agreed with them or that they stood to make a ton of cash from it, but they sure as heck have spent that amount, because it was their CEO himself who informed me just several weeks ago. As for the speaker manufacturer, ditto. R&D costs a hell of a lot more than you obviously think. Granted, they're probably extreme cases as I wouldn't expect those sorts of telephone numbers for run of the mill components; but we're not talking run of the mill in this case. Poor examples perhaps because they are probably far from typical. It was a point being made though that not every manufacturer is out to "rip off" the buying public. Heck, most people reading PFM these days would think that many members would like to see all manufacturers go bust or could do a better job themselves.
Is there a misunderstanding, or misreading, of the original statement?
" a resistor destined for the signal path of specific audio components."
That doesn't say DESIGNED for that use, just destined. Is it solely designed for that use? If not, you are both arguing about different things.
Which seems quite normal. Carry on.;)
Awkward, perhaps there is a misunderstanding. I assumed he meant a real company with real research staff who design resistor for a living, like Vishay. But I guess he actually means some boutique bullshit merchant selling pencils in epoxy resin or repackaging top secret U.S DOD submarine technology.

The same goes for the speaker drivers, there's no manufacturer out there investing 5 man years of R&D time into a single driver. It's just not viable commercially. That doesn't mean some millionaire Korean carpet salesman might not piss away $150,000 on a whim but that's not a commercial reality. I can see someone like Magico sinking that money into an entire line of drive units over a period of years, but that's not one driver.

Name the companies Pac, it'll be obvious if it's bullshit or not.

