
Bruce Springsteen, Barack Obama, ATC SCM25A speakers.

And very good reason why they shouldn't. Studios do not want to mix on speakers that bear no resemblance to the technology the end user will have at home. It's not the place for weird kit. You want reliable, consistent, conventional technology.

Yep, hence those Yamaha NS10's in the background.
There's no other company I can think of selling active loudspeakers who make their own drive units with such a strong presence professionally and domestically.
I think Adam Audio might beg to differ. Though the domestic thing isn’t their thing (but then, let’s be honest, neither is it ATCs). And I speak as a former owner of both ATC and Adam active domestic speakers. More power to them, though, great products both :)

PS. Also of note is that Octave Records, the offshoot company of Paul McGowan of PS Audio, has a pair of ATC50s in their mixing room; I am sure that this is mostly due to engineer reference familiarity than anything else, but interesting nonetheless. But if I were building a studio, I’d explore the Genelec models first. They seem to be superb and punch well above their weight and size.
Beat this for an endorsement!


(and no obvious room treatment either).
Judging by the body language I'd guess they've just accidentally touched feet.

