
Brexit: give me a positive effect... XIV

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Not really.

Scenario 1, as promised: vote Leave and the current PM will work with MPs from all parties to achieve as trouble-free an exit from the EU as possible.

Scenario 2, the reality: vote Leave and the current PM will resign in a huff, to be followed firstly by an incompetent woman who has no control over her party and then calls an unnecessary General Election which further divides the country, and secondly by a chancer with the attention span of a gnat with ADHD. The Leave process is then run by hardline Brexiteers who are unable or unwilling to negotiate.
The promise I read was that the wishes expressed by a majority would be carried out. Cameron running away is irrelevant, or are you suggesting the referendum should have been quashed the instant he resigned as PM?

If only the remain majority in Parliament had compromised on a soft brexit.
I’m sure it’s wonderful but I’m suspicious of anything posted by hard remainers so I’ll give it a miss.

Point of order, I am not a hard remainer and never have been. My position has always been the typical soft left / centrist dad view of how can we respect the vote while minimising the damage to our country and move on as quickly as possible. I was broadly of the Norway/Switzerland/EEA view.
Point of order, I am not a hard remainer and never have been. My position has always been the typical soft left / centrist dad view of how can we respect the vote while minimising the damage to our country and move on as quickly as possible. I was broadly of the Norway/Switzerland/EEA view.

Anybody who doesn`t agree with Brian is a hard remainer, did you not realise?
The promise I read was that the wishes expressed by a majority would be carried out. Cameron running away is irrelevant, or are you suggesting the referendum should have been quashed the instant he resigned as PM?

Those who weren't Hard Leavers might have voted Leave in the anticipation of a smooth exit process, believing that incumbent PM would remain in post, as he had promised to do. As it is, a majority of the electorate currently believe Brexit is going badly.
If only the remain majority in Parliament had compromised on a soft brexit.

A soft Brexit was not possible after the Lancaster House speech setting the UK's Red Lines. Now you know that, I'm sure you'll stop repeating it.

If only people hadn't voted for Brexit while lacking the courage to admit it, then sought to deflect and blame everyone and everything bar themselves for their choice.
It’ll be ok. Boris is unleashin. Frost is delivering ultimatum. EU has ten days to respond or a state of war exists.

Brexit ultimatum as Frost sets NEW Article 16 deadline - EU deal on brink of collapse
BRITAIN's Brexit deal is on the brink of collapse after an exasperated David Frost said the nation may have to trigger Article 16 if there is no "significant change from Brussels".
The Sexpress.
A soft Brexit was not possible after the Lancaster House speech setting the UK's Red Lines. Now you know that, I'm sure you'll stop repeating it.

If only people hadn't voted for Brexit while lacking the courage to admit it, then sought to deflect and blame everyone and everything bar themselves for their choice.
A soft brexit was possible. There was a remain majority in Parliament. Now you know that, I’m sure you still won’t stop posting nonsense.

Your second paragraph is a bit strange. Even if such people exist, it would make no difference to the result of the referendum should they admit they decided to vote differently to you. There was a majority for leave. Now you know that I’m sure you still won’t respect democracy.
Don't feed the troll.
That infantile angle again. :D

Anybody who doesn`t agree with Brian is a hard remainer, did you not realise?

Yes, sorry, sometimes it`s hard to resist trying to refute stupid.
You’re getting tougher. When are you going to turn up at my door to tell me how stupid I am?

Those who weren't Hard Leavers might have voted Leave in the anticipation of a smooth exit process, believing that incumbent PM would remain in post, as he had promised to do. As it is, a majority of the electorate currently believe Brexit is going badly.
So what?

There is no such thing as a hard leaver. Have you come across anyone who voted leave who after the vote tried to block leaving the EU, advocated overturning the referendum and ignoring democracy? Names?
There is no such thing as a hard leaver. Have you come across anyone who voted leave who after the vote tried to block leaving the EU, advocated overturning the referendum and ignoring democracy? Names?
I'd dispute that. The 'hard leaver' is the person who saw that the groundwork and negotiations were poorly achieved and that exit was just for the sake of exit rather than having worked out a credible plan, but still clamoured for exit 'NOW' because it fulfilled a purely political promise. Scratching an itch.

There was nothing democratic or sensible about that.
I'd dispute that. The 'hard leaver' is the person who saw that the groundwork and negotiations were poorly achieved and that exit was just for the sake of exit rather than having worked out a credible plan, but still clamoured for exit 'NOW' because it fulfilled a purely political promise. Scratching an itch.

There was nothing democratic or sensible about that.
You got a predictable like so far from one of the extremists. More to come.

Are you referring to the fringe ERG? The important thing is Parliament was a remain majority and the hard remainer preference was to undermine a democratic referendum result rather than compromise by accepting a soft brexit. They are a major reason for why we are where are despite the shrieks from their supporters here.

We live in a democracy in the UK, far from perfect of course but the referendum in 2016 was entirely legal and iaw democratic processes in the UK.
You got a predictable like so far from one of the extremists. More to come.

Are you referring to the fringe ERG? The important thing is Parliament was a remain majority and the hard remainer preference was to undermine a democratic referendum result rather than compromise by accepting a soft brexit. They are a major reason for why we are where are despite the shrieks from their supporters here.

We live in a democracy in the UK, far from perfect of course but the referendum in 2016 was entirely legal and iaw democratic processes in the UK.
You seem obsessed by the 'democratic referendum' bit as though it trumps every scrap of gerrymandering and lying to the voting public. The 'fringe ERG' now make up most of the governments front bench and the others fall into line with that view. The public voted for them and so I assume they are of the same opinion (i.e. a narrow opinion) as the 'fringe ERG'.
Soft Brexit recommendations and proposals came from all quarters of the house, with only the LibDems being committed remainers/rejoiners. When a referendum (as all referendums are) are described as 'advisory', it means the people who act on it have made a choice on their course of action, not that the referendum determined the choices.
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