
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2022 remastered edition)

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I think you missed my point, which was a mildly sarcastic one. We've been out of the EU for two years. What took them so long?

An aside - what happened to the EU's insistence of a year or so ago that Switzerland should abandon its raft of sectoral treaties with the EU, and replace it with a more formal FTA type arrangement?
The small matter of a pandemic meant that nobody could travel anyway, so the fact that an utterly stupid decision had fxxxd foreign travel didn't really matter. For my part, I wish that my Irish ancestry were more recent, I'd have an Irish passport like a shot. A French one, alternatively. I speak the language, and have lived and worked there.
My favourite was when some Tory Minister pushed their bottom lip out and claimed that leftist criticism of Rwandan detention camps was ‘racist’. Rwanda was a great destination for the unwitting asylum seeker, the people there were friendly, they have a terrific human rights record and that all regulations would be met. Any criticism of it as a destination could only be interpreted as - the “r” word.
It sounded so good I could feel myself wanting to pay a visit myself.

The advertising at Arsenal - visit Rwanda - must be working.

“They recognise a party not just infiltrated but devoured by the Brexit party and all the viruses attached to their Brexit-mania. Tory moderates are largely driven out, even the most distinguished”.

“And then, reckless and feckless, he may this week unveil his law to override the Northern Ireland protocol. The EU warns that would trigger a trade war, but he may wrongly think breaking apart the Good Friday agreement could be his Falklands moment. Pull it all down, the more mayhem the better, revive that Brexit enthusiasm”.
The fact that they were previously in the EU and had complete freedom of movement. Suddenly, that's gone and they want it back, and with Swiss nationality they can have it. If I didn't have Irish citizenship as well as British (one of the few advantages of coming from Northern Ireland!), I'd probably have done the same. As it is, I also possess Australian citizenship, so I really wonder whether I need another one!
Schengen still applies. And permanent Swiss residency is a bonus, Zurich is a nice city.
I've a friend who lives in Zurich during the week. He also says that Zurich is a nice city, but he's always almighty relieved to get back to London each weekend. He pointed out, by way of reasoning, that there's more variety and ethnicity of food outlets just in Bond Street station than all of Switzerland could muster, let alone Zurich.
I've a friend who lives in Zurich during the week. He also says that Zurich is a nice city, but he's always almighty relieved to get back to London each weekend. He pointed out, by way of reasoning, that there's more variety and ethnicity of food outlets just in Bond Street station than all of Switzerland could muster, let alone Zurich.
I suspect that your friend is confused.
Sometimes I visit London and always have a nice time, but it is a joy to return home.
One of my fears is that I may end up living in the UK again.
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