
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2022 remastered edition)

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Does that mean he'll stop littering the place with his ghastly bits of rusty metal?

Every cloud etc...
Came across my first Brexit hiccup en route back to Ireland for my mother's funeral. Because I was relying on a ferry voucher given because of two previous Covid-stymied attempts to get there, I couldn't change anything, including the fact that it had been made using a British passport. When I rolled up to the customs at Cherbourg prior to boarding, the douanier looked through it puzzledly and the following conversation ensued:
- French residency permit, please
- I don't live in France, I live in Switzerland
- When did you enter France?
- Yesterday [I always stop overnight somewhere between Amiens and St. Quentin]
- Where's the entry stamp?
- Nobody ever stamps anything at the Swiss border!
He looked puzzled again, and then, for the first time, stamped my passport. I'll use the Irish one in future!
No offence, but having a passport stamped doesn’t sound like much of a hiccup, it’s certainly not worth getting agitated about, imo.

Anyway, I was in France last week and didn’t encounter any issues. Maybe I’m just too easy going.
Now Anthony Gormley to take German citizenship

Completely understandable and there will continue to be an exodus of the UK’s artistic talent and wealth creators such as Gormley. Brexit is simply unworkable for business like these.


PS One of the Field For The British Isles sits on the bottom shelf here looking at me wondering where everyone has gone.

  • The U.K. economy shrank by 0.1% in March and economists are expecting further contractions this year, as the country’s cost-of-living crisis entrenches itself.
That a country such as ours, still amongst the global rich, is at risk of having an ‘entrenched’ cost of living crisis illustrates the extent that wealth is being created at the expense of hardship, hunger and poverty for many is immoral.

There is more than enough wealth in this country to ensure that nobody goes hungry. That people are hungry in this day and age, and in this country, is not an economic necessity. It is a political choice.
No offence, but having a passport stamped doesn’t sound like much of a hiccup, it’s certainly not worth getting agitated about, imo.

Anyway, I was in France last week and didn’t encounter any issues. Maybe I’m just too easy going.
No offence, but nobody got agitated, not even the douanier. Merely reporting something that hadn't previously happened, and only because of Brexit.

Some of the long-time residents I know in Swizzieland who have only British passports are now seeking Swiss citizenship.
No offence, but nobody got agitated, not even the douanier. Merely reporting something that hadn't previously happened, and only because of Brexit.

Some of the long-time residents I know in Swizzieland who have only British passports are now seeking Swiss citizenship.
I didn't say you got agitated.

Good luck to your mates.
No offence, but nobody got agitated, not even the douanier. Merely reporting something that hadn't previously happened, and only because of Brexit.

Some of the long-time residents I know in Swizzieland who have only British passports are now seeking Swiss citizenship.

What took them so long?
  • The U.K. economy shrank by 0.1% in March and economists are expecting further contractions this year, as the country’s cost-of-living crisis entrenches itself.
That a country such as ours, still amongst the global rich, is at risk of having an ‘entrenched’ cost of living crisis illustrates the extent that wealth is being created at the expense of hardship, hunger and poverty for many is immoral.

There is more than enough wealth in this country to ensure that nobody goes hungry. That people are hungry in this day and age, and in this country, is not an economic necessity. It is a political choice.
Yes, we know...though it's not just people going hungry.

It's been crap and getting worse since 2010 following a decent spell from the late 90's, but it was still an eye-opener when I volunteered at a food bank.

2024 and all that...
What took them so long?
The fact that they were previously in the EU and had complete freedom of movement. Suddenly, that's gone and they want it back, and with Swiss nationality they can have it. If I didn't have Irish citizenship as well as British (one of the few advantages of coming from Northern Ireland!), I'd probably have done the same. As it is, I also possess Australian citizenship, so I really wonder whether I need another one!
I didn't say you got agitated.

Good luck to your mates.
At the moment, they're working hard on their German! (Part of the requirement is the ability to communicate in one official language). They live in Zürich, and in internationally-minded Zürich, you can get away without speaking any German at all - unlike those of us who choose to live out in the sticks and have to cope not only with German but also with Schwyzerdytsch in its various forms. It does have the advantage that Hochdeutsch is a foreign language to the Swiss, so we meet in the middle!
The fact that they were previously in the EU and had complete freedom of movement. Suddenly, that's gone and they want it back, and with Swiss nationality they can have it...

I think you missed my point, which was a mildly sarcastic one. We've been out of the EU for two years. What took them so long?

An aside - what happened to the EU's insistence of a year or so ago that Switzerland should abandon its raft of sectoral treaties with the EU, and replace it with a more formal FTA type arrangement?
I think you missed my point, which was a mildly sarcastic one. We've been out of the EU for two years. What took them so long?

An aside - what happened to the EU's insistence of a year or so ago that Switzerland should abandon its raft of sectoral treaties with the EU, and replace it with a more formal FTA type arrangement?

Disappointingly, the Swiss withdrew from the talks meaning that the sectoral agreements will continue to apply but when they expire no new agreement will be put in place.

hopefully, someone will see sense before too long.
Disappointingly, the Swiss withdrew from the talks meaning that the sectoral agreements will continue to apply but when they expire no new agreement will be put in place.

hopefully, someone will see sense before too long.

What sort of timeframes are we looking at?

The Commission will want to tie Switzerland as tight as it can into the EU's legislative and governance sphere. That's what it does.
What sort of timeframes are we looking at?

The Commission will want to tie Switzerland as tight as it can into the EU's legislative and governance sphere. That's what it does.
I am sure Switzerland will tell them where to shove it...
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