
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2022 remastered edition)

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Haven't found the Brexit positive Youtube video yet.

Very easy to listen to, I loved his line about people are just not interested in the details. So true
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An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman are having a drink together in the pub. The Englishman says "I'm leaving", so they all have to leave.

I've always been curious to know in what ways the daily lives of people voting for Brexit were diminished by EU membership? How did they and their family suffer from being in the EU?

How much better are their lives now and in what ways? What new opportunities have opened up?
I’m good friends with our local MP, Sir Edward Leigh. He is adamant that the UK will be great again very soon, as we have taken back control. He’s a jolly good chap, so I believe him.
Managed to find some positives...took a while though:

British Holiday Boom
The weak Pound has also been brilliant for UK the tourism industry. It may be horrifically expensive to go anywhere else in the World now, but a holiday to Weston-Super-Mare still costs the same*. Those who can just about afford to take their families on holiday are making the most of Great British holiday destinations.

Whats more, the weak pound means more foreigners could be attracted to come and visit us too. Let’s make them feel welcome!

*Note: There may be price rises due to increased domestic and overseas demand.

We don’t care about Money
We often beat ourselves for being materialistic and money driven, but Brexit has made us realise that we don’t really care about money.

Initially we were up in arms about the claim that the UK pays £350m per week to the EU. Money that could be spent on the NHS instead.

Although this figure was a complete lie and debunked immediately after the vote (oh, and it even turned out that Vote Leave did not have permission to use the NHS logo), who cares?

Since the referendum, the UK has not only agreed to pay the EU a divorce bill of £39bn, it is estimated that we’ve lost trillions in investment flows out of the UK. That’s enough to pay the NHS £350m per week for decades. The great thing is that nobody seems to care about how ridiculous this is. It’s only money, right?
The Cabinet Office has just published a 108-page report: The Benefits of Brexit. Among many other failures of logic, on page 18 it trumpets the fact that the UK government proposes to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (hurrah! tariff-free exports!) while celebrating our exit from the world's largest trading bloc on our doorstep. I mean, really.

It's a bit like the benefits of having a foot amputated, a pair of socks will last you twice as long!
Brexit: EU laws overhaul will boost growth, vows Boris Johnson - BBC News

This appears to be a bill to give ministers powers to amend the EU legacy legislation that was incorporated into UK law when we exited. At the moment, these laws can only be amended by Parliament creating new laws to replace them, in the traditional way. This sounds like a bid to create a wholesale capability for 'Henry VIII powers' for ministers, so scrapping, amending or rewriting any retained EU law is something ministers can do by secondary legislation, ie without Parliamentary scrutiny. It's hardly surprising, from the man/party that brought you the illegal proroguation of Parliament, but it'd be bad enough if we had a normal clutch of ministers to do this; given the morons, misfits, chancers and spivs currently stacked up in the government, I'd worry about this.
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